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Testing for Food Sensitivities

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As per another topic I have going about specific kibble, it look like Albert has a bigger problem than we thought. A half serve of the Hills Biome kibble with his chicken and rice meant he was sick all last night. We've gone back to chicken and rice today and will call the vet tomorrow.


I'm just wondering if anyone has done testing for food intolerances and sensitivities? More for gut issues than skin issues but I assume testing is the same? Did you do it through the vet or did you try a company like this one? The cost seems reasonable to me to just go ahead and organise one for him and use it alongside whatever the vet suggests moving forward, but I was after people's thoughts. Thank you!



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In your other topic I mentioned (late-last comment) exocrine pancreatic insufficiency as a possibility because Chows are mentioned as a breed with this problem and not all breeds have the typical symptom of voracious appetite. TLI test will detect it.

I have since read Inflammatory Bowel disease can be a problem in Peis, with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth as possible disorders to exclude or consider when rumbly tummy and intermittent vomiting are the symptoms.


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I worked in a (human) allergy testing laboratory in the 2000s. The science may have moved on but at that time gut issues were considered to be quite distinct from the allergies that caused skin and respiratory symptoms. Allergies causing skin and respiratory symptoms were thought to be triggered by proteins whereas gut sensitivities were more often triggered by an inability to digest sugars (such as lactose or fructose) or by other health problems. Skin allergy testing only looked for the triggers causing skin and respiratory symptoms.

Edited by DogsAndTheMob
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Those tests have no evidence base unfortunately. They also bring up false negatives and positives (including on fake samples!), so those who get results have essentially thrown spaghetti at the wall and lucked out with something happening to stick.


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Thank you both so much - that was very interesting reading! I have a vet consult this Thursday to discuss all the suggestions/advice with my vet.


I usually have a bit of a gut feeling about things but I still can't get a sense of whether he might have an actual condition or has just developed food sensitivity. Apart from an upset tummy and some unpleasant looking poo here and there he appears happy and healthy,  like nothing is wrong. But if the wrong thing is in his stomach and he starts processing it and realises then it wants out again. That makes me think its the food because if it was bacteria or related to an organ not functioning properly you think you'd still see some indications on the chicken and rice. But a day back on that diet and everything is totally normal  again.


But I really do appreciate all the suggestions to look into (I've made a list!) as it must be awful to repeatedly have an upset stomach. I think we've got whatever it is early too - no noticeable weight  loss or ongoing disinterest in food at present (although I don't feel chicken and rice will give him everything he needs). Once I know what he can and can't tolerate I'll be excited to organise a new diet for him (even though kibble with toppings is easier). From  what I've now read though this can all take  a while.

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