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I kept Valium on hand for New Year's Eve. For the dogs.

I only know snoods as the elastic-at-each-end tubes used to keep Afghan hound's very long ear fringes out of their food and clean. I have heard of the ceremony of the cutting of the ear fringes when a top show dog is retiring.


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I think they have to be quite tight to block the sound. Something like a sock. I've heard of people using cotton wool in the ears then a sock over. I've got drugs for my noise phobia dog when there is planned fireworks and if a really bad thunderstorm is forecast.

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Strange , raise your voice in my house our little dog takes himself outside , drop a cup any sudden loud noise , and he's off , he's a very quiet  dog who loves calm , yet i love to sit outside on the balcony  every time theres a storm  , and being by the sea we have lots of them each year , , he just comes and lies on my lap  watching  the lighting listening to the thunder , and he'll just nod off  absolutly does'nt faze him one bit

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