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Has anyone used small dose Trazadone for an anxious dog?


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My neighbour adopted a 6 month old puppy who's really anxious with persistent separation anxiety and barking whenever she's not home. The neighbour on the other side have made a big issue of it so she's pretty upset about the situation and trying to figure out what to do - she's clearly making an effort to ease the anxiety but I expect it would take time.


So we were talking about Trazadone having read about this golden retriever on Newsweek - https://www.newsweek.com/owner-praises-trazodone-golden-retriever-road-trip-1945360 - and wondered whether low level doses of Trazadone when she goes to a work shift may be a suitable solution. I expect a vet would just give the go ahead ($$), so would prefer to hear thoughts... 

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I have only had one dog some years ago who developed separation anxiety after I had stayed home when she had puppies then returned to work.

I did the behavioural things in vogue then, saw a behaviour specialist vet who I felt was not treating her as an individual. 

Nothing was working. My greyhound specialist vet suggested Valium prior to me leaving. It worked very well as a management tool but I wouldn't say it was a cure. When the vet asked me how the Valium was I said "it's wonderful, I'm thinking of taking some myself".

It is still recommended (as are other drugs) in Uni of Sydney Behaviour Proceedings 390 (2010) but may need long term use (6-12 months) before trying to taper off so baseline blood tests and regular monitoring are suggested. 

I can quote some more of the Sydney Uni conference book and a book they recommend if you are interested.

Is the owner anxious?

Is it possible the neighbour is making the situation worse?




Edited by Mairead
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Trazadone is great for specific situations and is not something to be given regularly for separation anxiety.  For instance, I have a dog who was rescued from a puppy breeding mill at 11yo so she is traumatised.  When I have to take her to the vet, I give her trazadone 2 hours before we leave.  

The best thing for a puppy with separation anxiety is another dog.  

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i would not give it for this area.
And actrually dont presume vets will just give it .
We have a few boarding clients who come in with it for thunderstorm fear & fireworks but it isnt handed out like lollies & the dogs need to be watched especially if access outside is allowed & the weather is an issue .

If the dog has true sep anxiety then get the right drugs & the sooner the better so the brain can start thinking more logically whilst the reshaping process is happening .
A barking dog is not fun & the dog may also be doing self harm behaviour whilst their out so its can manifest quickly .

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