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Dogs That Allegedly Mauled 2 Women Had Been Reported Many Times by Neighbours


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they were family but allowed to "play" in the street. They won't be registered and I bet the limit was 2 dogs max but she had 4. Yeah she really cared for them. Takes more then throwing a bit of food to them.

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Had council been to talk to the owner after numerous reports of these dogs being at large? My guess is no...


If there was a report of the dogs biting someone months ago, why was there no follow-up to make sure the owner was complying with any containment orders after that attack?


The system has failed here... and there is no dressing that up with claims of staffing, OHS, red tape, etc... they failed miserably and now 2 people have been hospitalised and the dogs destroyed. As much as the owner claims to be "sorry", they need the book thrown at them for not keeping their dogs on their own property.



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Wow. That's a very interesting development. Shame on that owner for not containing 4 large breed dogs that she knew to cause harm and intimidation. Shame on that council to not expedite matters after harm had already been caused. These 2 things are why dogs die and innocent people are hurt.

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