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Indigenous Groups Call for End to Killing of Dingoes. ABC News 14/7/24


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Hard one is'nt it , If i was an aboriginal  living in the bush  trying to kep the traditions  and ways of my forefathers ,  along with the dream time and all the other stuff , Think then i would  hate to see  the dingo ,  shot , culled , got rid of in any way shape or form


 But if i was a farmer , with 10 000 head of sheep  and my whole familly's future and livelihood tied up in it , and was reguly losing sheep to dingos  i think i'd want them  , shot  caught moved areas  , whatever  has long has they stopped killing my sheep .


Suppose if i was in my 4 wheel drive going out  where the dingos lived , i would'nt be  stupid enough to allow my pet or child  wonder off


So the top two have both got a point the 3rd one  is just an idiot who should have no say .


But the fourth one , groups who recieve govt money from which the farmer's tax pays for  , should just keep there nose out

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