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Puppy Mauled by Dingoes on Cable Beach Broome. ABC News 2/7/24


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What do we expect when we constantly encroach on the habitat of our wild neighbours? And just calling them "wild dogs" does not change the fact they are dingoes or native to this land... but it does give "justification" for killing them off when our own needs apparently trump their right to survive. "Next time it might be a child" is the general catch cry before we simply go and kill the "offenders"....


Indigenous peoples managed to live alongside our native apex predator for some 60,000 years, but we "civilised" peoples seem to have lost that ability, as we constantly spread our populations across the country (and planet), decreasing natural habitat, and thus the ability for many species to survive in what habitat is left for them. Maybe we need to have a good hard look at what we consider our own "rights", and start to think about what that actually means for our native species - especially if we want to "enjoy" our natural environments, we need to be aware that that may come with actual risks from the native species that live there - especially dingoes, crocodiles, large kangaroos, etc... that may take umbrage at our being in their ever shrinking spaces.


Yes, what happened to that dog was horrible, but the fact remains that it was running loose and unsupervised, until it got in trouble and yelped for help. What should be called for is no unleashed dogs in that area, and for humans to stay vigilant if visiting that space, as the dingoes may not take kindly to us being in their habitat. We could learn a lesson from this incident, but I doubt we will... *sigh*



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FFS would you let your dog wander around in Africa and hope he is not taken by a wild animal? No  so why let them loose in dingo territory? I feel sorry for the dingo's, 22kg is a large target. I wonder how the hunting is there at the moment.

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Still perpetuating the myth about "wild dogs" and "hybrid" dingoes to justify killing them off... I called it, didn't I?


And just days since this study found that hybridisation isn't as prolific as claimed... https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2024-07-09/ancient-dna-study-suggests-dingoes-preserve-genetic-heritage/104065490


Here's a novel thought... maybe authorities need to be looking into why there has been a sudden increase in adverse behaviour from the local native wildlife towards domestic dogs and/or humans. Or maybe they don't want to know the answer. It's easier to just kill off anything we don't like, yes?


Sometimes I'm ashamed to be part of the human race... grrr!

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