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Puppy Vomited Grass and Small bits of plastic


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At 3:30 last night, I was woken to my 5.5mth puppy vomiting. It was a small amount of grass and three small threads of plastic. I’m not sure where the plastic was from, as I couldn’t see a chewed container (similar plastic) anywhere. She normally just chews stuff and spits it out. Seems ok now and happily ate her breakfast. Should I worry. If it happens again, I will contact vet.

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You'd be amazed at what can actually pass through a dog's system with no issues. I had a dog with pica (the desire to eat things not normally regarded as food), and doing poo patrol was always an adventure.


I would watch your pup for any signs of an upset stomach, such as hunching, or drinking much more than usual, or if she becomes lethargic or seems "off" in any way. Otherwise, just keep trying to keep things she shouldn't chew out of her reach, OK?


At 5.5 months of age, she is probably teething, so will be looking to chew on things to get her loose puppy teeth to come out. Give her safe things to chew on to assist this process.



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  • 5 months later...

It sounds like you're doing a great job monitoring your puppy. Puppies can sometimes ingest things they shouldn't, but as long as she's eating and behaving normally now, she's probably okay. Keep an eye on her and contact your vet if you notice any changes or if she vomits again.

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11 hours ago, studypets said:

It sounds like you're doing a great job monitoring your puppy. Puppies can sometimes ingest things they shouldn't, but as long as she's eating and behaving normally now, she's probably okay. Keep an eye on her and contact your vet if you notice any changes or if she vomits again.

you are replying to a post made in January. Bit late for a possibly ill pup don't you think?

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