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Aversions and aggression


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My dog is a 15 year old corgi border collie cross. 

Recently he has been having beransa shots for his joint pain. But after one painful injection his behaviour has steadily declined. Yo the point yesterday he lashed out and bit me on the arm.  

Now you may ask why he didn't have a muzzle on. Well, because he hates them too. And he refuses to get his nails cut.

On top of all this he. now won't let me put his collar on.  

I'm not used to this level of stress with him. Yesterday was probably my worst day with him. His list of aversions grows.  

I expect many will say he needs a behaviourist. We spent money on one several years ago. That didn't help much. I'm on a tight budget now. Hr will need monthly beransa shot in future months. This is getting beyond my ability to cope. Any advice appreciated .

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Put this in the Health section because it sounds like a pain (physical and/or psychological pain) issue to me. Probably needs a vet's help, not a behaviourist.

What is his quality of life like compared to his younger days? Does he have failing eyesight or hearing, or mobility issues? That could mean he is easily frightened when he doesn't realise people are approaching and feels he is vulnerable, so protects himself the only way he knows.

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He doesn't have mobility issues. Sight is ok. Remarkably good health. As long as he has beransa injection. 

4 months ago he could hardly move. Since taking beransa he is like a normal dog. Just injection time has become too challenging.  

And I still haven't got a collar back on him.

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1 hour ago, Deeds said:

I know other dog owners who have had Beransa given to their dogs.  They haven't had any side effects.   


What did your Vet say?

It's not the beranza. It's the point of the needle. He doesn't like needles. 

The beranza works well. He flinched once when the needle didn't go in well. Ever since he has been difficult to manage 

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Maybe it wasn't the point of the needle that hurt, but the restraint needed for the injection?

Difficult to assess without seeing what is happening. Try making some notes to take to your vet along the lines of "when I did this, he did this" without any judgement about it being aversion or aggression, or what he might be thinking. Mention the nails and collar, and anything else he used to be OK with and now is not. It could be something else age-related is happening.

If his nails urgently need cutting, maybe a light sedative to do nails and the next injection at the same time?

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I have had significant success with vets prescribing trazadone to administer 1-2 hours prior to veterinary treatment (injections/ blood tests). Not only did it make the vet visit stress free, this particular dog improved on the second visit with the same dosage of trazadone- I believe because the prior experience wasn’t traumatic. Speak with your vet about it. 

My dog would fight like a bear if muzzled (to the point we were concerned about needle stick injuries) so we put a large Elizabethan collar on her to make it safer for the person administering the injection- that and the trazadone means we can continue veterinary interventions when I was starting to believe we were out of options. 

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