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NSW Upper House Inquiry to Probe Animal Welfare Shelters and Pounds. ABC News 19/7/23.


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Considering that the bill she got passed last year requiring all pounds to offer animals to rescue has actually made pounds leery of destroying any animal for fear of repercussions, and has ended up with most rescues being offered animals that need extensive rehabilitation before they can be rehomed, some of the problems many pounds face right now are of her actual making... grrr!


"We're talking about happy, healthy, reliable animals that are being euthanased," she said. - I call bulldust... generally those being euthanaised are not exactly great pet prospects, but as the legislation only stipulates that physical health as the benchmark for keeping them alive, mental issues in these animals are sadly overlooked as a perfectly legitimate reason for ending suffering.


Note that the only organisations quoted (or giving comment) in this piece are AJP and Animal Liberation... one sided much? RSPCA obviously didn't want to comment, nor did any other overseeing government body (or they weren't given enough time to make a response).


Another interesting note about this article is that it doesn't give any link to the inquiry itself... so for those interested in making any submissions, here it is...




Don't hold your breath for a common sense approach to this inquiry though, as Emma is chairing it, and her pet Greens member Abigail Boyd) is also on the committee. Between them, it's gonna be quite loaded with an animal rights agenda of limiting pet ownership. Be prepared for the witness list giving in-person testimony to be heavily populated by animal rights groups and those sympathetic to the "cause", and the final report to be loaded with excerpts of their testimony in order to push the AJP/Greens agenda.


All that said, I fully support any positive and common sense change that makes life for not only the animals, but the humans involved in their care also, better.



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