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dont just read the Cowra story, Click on the dangerous dog picture at the top for the news reporter


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13 hours ago, asal said:

He is right, this is a national disgrace.

So is the road toll, so is domestic violence, so are the human on human attacks that occur with monotonous regularity. I don't put much store in Sky News.

At a motel, an unsupervised child so young could easily have been killed by someone backing their car out of a parking spot or have he could have run onto the road and been hit by a passing car. The incident brings to mind an earlier child death https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/girl-brutally-killed-by-dogs/news-story/f81cde69dcd7290c72921f3363e2a682.

As for the meter reader, it appears the meters on the subject property had been read numerous times in the past with no incidents, the dogs being contained behind a fence, so it would appear there was an agreed protocol in place. Why there was a breakdown would be the subject of an investigation by OH&S authorities and the coroner. The fact that it happened on a Saturday rather than a normal Mon-Fri workday could be a factor.

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Just to note in the meter reader case, it was agreed upon usually but the company would also notify them that they would be attending the next day and this time, for some reason, they didn’t. The owners didn’t lock their dogs up behind the second fence because they didn’t know they were coming. They had listed them on the warning dog list with the company. They did everything they were supposed to do. Now we don’t know whether these dogs had a record or that the owners knew they were capable of doing what they did, but any dog can be extremely protective of their property. 


Difficult questions. You are spot on about other things that could happen at any motel with a small child unsupervised, even for a moment. How did the toddler get into the enclosure that the dogs were in? HOW? I don’t know if we know that. Was it not locked? Did they break the rules. Horrible horrific situation. Accidents happen in a moment of absent mindedness and people are left paying the price. So sad. 

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12 hours ago, Tempus Fugit said:

So is the road toll, so is domestic violence, so are the human on human attacks that occur with monotonous regularity. I don't put much store in Sky News.

So what you are saying is that because anything can happen leading to tragedy, ho hum, no one needs to bear responsibility?


I find your comments quite indefensible.   

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