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Rescue dogs first season, is it normal for her to have a small bowel movement during rest/sleep?


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Hi, We've had our rescue dog since September, she was supposed to be around 6 months then, so is around a year now.  But she was half her current size and severely malnourished when we got her, filled with intestinal parasites, gut infections etc., I'm sure you get the idea.

She having her first known season and now twice in two days she been sleeping/resting and got up and she's left a nugget of poo on the bed, is this normal? It's not loose at all, just normal consistency. She's never done it before. 

I've had dogs all my life, but they were male pups, or a neutered rescue girl, so I've never been through this. She'll be spayed in 3 months on our vet's advice. 

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Good on you for helping a dog which sounds like it obviously needed help.

Leaving a nugget would not be related to her desexing status I wouldn’t think. Maybe someone else has a better idea but I can’t think of anything that would link to this. I’d be inclined to think it was coincidental. If you’re concerned though,  check with your vet. 


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Having had several intact females I've never had one be incontinent during a season. I have to wonder, if due to her very poor start in life, if their is some anatomical issues going on now that she is in season. I think this is a good time for another vet exam.


Thankyou for helping this poor little girl.

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I occasionally find a "nugget" in a dog's bed.  I think they are just so sound asleep, needing to go to the toilet and a bit slips out.  Think of it as a present :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:.  Joking aside, if worried take her to your vet.   Maybe her poor beginnings have made her muscles not as strong as they should be, but as you say it is a normal poo, I feel it isn't something to worry unduly about.  


However, I do worry that you haven't posted a photo :provoke:  :provoke:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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