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Advice wanted please


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My husband and  I recently purchased a puppy from QLD ( we are located in WA) This puppy was sold to us as a purebred from a registered breeder. 


Upon the puppies arrival, we took it to the vet for a check up and to make sure pup was healthy. Our vet told us she has an " extreme" overbite and to closely monitor it - the puppy may or may not grow into it . 


I mentioned this to the breeder and their response was " puppy was checked for a slight overbite and the vet and the breeder were happy her jaw and teeth will be fine, she will grow into it" 


Puppy is now approx 5 months old and the overbite has only gotten worse. Whilst we can't see any evidence of the teeth causing irritation at the momment and there is no issue with eating or drinking ( although, does not chew like a normal dog ) I worry that as she gets older and her teeth get bigger she may be up to get major dental work done. 


I checked the pedigree paperwork and from what I can determine ( I'm no expert) it looks as though the Sire that was mated with the Dame looks to be the Dame's father ( inbred puppies = overbite)

Issue # 1: The initial information we got was that the Dame was to be mated with a completely different Sire to the one we have on file as the father . 

Issue #2: We were never made aware of the puppies condition until we took her to our vet

Issue #3: Breeder did not offer any financial assistance should the puppy need major dental work

Issue #4: Breeder does not seem interested in the welfare of this puppy - never asks for updates or how puppy is going. 


Obviously, we love our puppy so much and will do anything and everything for her to give her the best life , I just want to know where we stand from a legal point ? What would be the best/mature way to approach the ' breeder' should we need to get the dental work done? 


Thanks in advance. 




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ANKC (in this case Dogs Queensland it sounds like) registered breeders are not allowed to mate a female to her father, are they ANKC papers? Perhaps it’s another register. 
Still, whether they are or not, your legal recourse would be through your small claims/fair trading type processes. They differ between states. 

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