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Dog being aggressive to other dog with epilepsy


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Hi, we have two dogs, one of which is 14 y.o. and had unfortunately developed epilepsy. Bob is on medication but still has a seizure, every week to ten days or so. Our problem is our second dog, Bonnie. As soon as a seizure begins, Bonnie attacks Bob - quite savagely. We always been home to remove her quickly but this is proving difficult as she’s strong. I’m worried about leaving them alone. The two generally get on (although Bonnie is definitely higher in pack order than Bob). We’re struggling to understand her behaviour. Has anyone else seen this reaction in their dogs?

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I have been told by vets that it is common for dogs to attack other cats and dogs that are having seizures.  Have you taken Bob back to the vet for a medication adjustment as having seizures every 7-10 days is still a lot for the poor boy.  I can only suggest having the dogs separate when no one is home.

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while I have not had it happen in my own dogs I do know of a couple where the dog having the fit was attacked. Their owners, forever more, separated them when they were going out. I 2nd going back to the vet for a review of Bobs meds

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  On 05/04/2021 at 11:15 AM, Cath123 said:

Has anyone else seen this reaction in their dogs?


Dogs will often attack other dogs behaving strangley, yes :( It is not a rare occurrence. 
It will not stop. 
AS the others have said - separation when you are not home/supervising - and a return vet visit for old Bob, for a medication review . So sorry this is happening, but it is just a part of dog behaviour . 

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I've had epileptic dogs and yes some dogs react badly when they see it especially if the fitting dog vocalises as well. Some dogs don't care of course.
Keep one of them in a puppy pen or separated when you can't be around or if there's a seizure and you need to split them up.


Keep a diary for your vet of the seizures recording the pre, ictal and post ictal periods. Video is great, you can keep a visual record of whether the seizures are changing or getting worse. Does sound like you might need a meds review now though.

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