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Any links on dog strollers/buggies?

Libby Elliott

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I'm having trouble  getting a suitable stroller/buggy for Larry who with liver cancer is now unable to manage his much loved 'walkies'. He needs a large size (ie big enough to lie down and sit up in). Most seem to be for smaller dogs (he's a Brittany, medium size, 18kg). I finally found one (on-line, Do Do Pet) that seemed perfect accept that it's near impossible to install the handle. More strength needed than I have to manoeuvre it into it's place.  I've contacted the seller to organise a return.  Has anyone else had this problem?


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I bought a child's three wheeler stroller on Gumtree for my old Mac when he got too old to get to the park.  Perse found it for me and it was a Phil and Ted's Three Wheeler in red - of course!  I paid $50 and it was brilliant and much more manouvreable and sturdy than the pet ones. Highly recommend.

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