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Spots on belly


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What breed? My westie had what is known as alopaecia X or "black skin disease" which started out as black dots on her belly and turned into bald patches and black skin along her legs and back. Her fur eventually grew back though. Could be anything :) 

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Does he like to sunbake and are the spots small? Jonah (shar pei) loves to sunbake in winter (too hot in summer) but it was causing skin changes that turned into like these blood blister things (which can also turn cancerous) so we've had to put the kybosh on it. His skin on his underside (and his nose) has spots of different colours as a result. If the spots are large or he doesn't sunbake then ignore all this, it will be something else!

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Could be anything from allergies to age spots to immune mediated thrombocytopenia (which is extremely serious & life threatening) and everything in between. 
a picture would help but we can only make suggestions. a vet check Is the best bet. 

Edited by Scratch
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