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Must read article on genetic testing


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High level criticism of an unregulated market.  


 25 JULY 2018

Pet genomics medicine runs wild

Genetic testing for dogs is big business. It is too easy for companies to sell false hope, warn Lisa Moses, Steve Niemi and Elinor Karlsson. They call for regulation." 
Edited by sandgrubber
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Another equally misleading article actually.


this writer advocates COI testing and only using unrelated parents where at all possible will reduce, perhaps eliminate the risk of creating homozygous puppies of the as yet unavailable dna testing for the thousands of recessive genes still to be found markers for.


the writer is assuming unrelated parents will not be carrying deleterious recessives.


the writer is assuming only related parents will be carrying deleterious recessives so is buying into the mantra that "inbreeding" is the cause of any emergence of such results in a litter.


when will it become recognised that two patterns of a gene in a pup is not automatically caused by "inbreeding" related parents?   


anyway read and have a good think about the message because it does bring up how many conditions there still is no tests for yet.








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