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Kelpies and floppy ears

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 Did you get your gorgeous girl from an ANKC registered Breeder ? The official standard does call for pricked ears , and Breeders breed to the  standard . 
Her ears MAY be very late in standing up ,  or she may just have that type of ears .
Where did she come from ? Did you see her parents/family?Did they have pricked ears?  Do you have any written proof of her parentage ?

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Yes like any breed with erect ears you get the odd pup that  end up floppy or semi erect .
Some at a young age will tape or paddle pop the the ears to assist in the muscle memory to stand up but in the end there either up or down.
Some can stay up at an older age but in all honesty you would need to see a more consistent up than down .

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  • 4 weeks later...

Both the ANKC and WKC standards call for prick ears, however the WKC is much more accepting of dogs with one or two “floppy” ears because they’re not seen as major faults that could impede the working ability of the dog. Plenty of working line kelpies have rose ears or one-up, one-down. 

At 9 months I’d say it’s unlikely her ears will come up on their own. My boy (WKC) is 16 weeks and has had both properly up for a while, though some of his siblings are looking like they’ll have rose ears like their sire.

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