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Puppy with flatulance


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My Sheltie puppy is now 14 weeks.  We got her from the breeder a month ago and she was being fed Blackhawk kibble.  We have continued with the Blackhawk as all the dogs at the breeders coats looked so healthy.  However, our little pup has really bad flatulance all the time.  Has anyone else had this issue with feeding the BH.  Any other kibble recommendations would be appreciated.  The kibble given to us from the breeder was the BH puppy ocean fish grain free, but my puppy turned off that weeks ago and the only other puppy flavours in BH are not the grain free, could this be the problem.

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You don't have to use Black Hawk, as long as you keep her on a puppy food and transition slowly to something else.

i like Ivory coat over BH, but its just what the dog does best on.

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Ask your breeder if there is another food they would recommend or something else you could add to the food to stop the gas. Personally my dogs never did well on BH and all my pups are off puppy food by 12 weeks of age.


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My Breeder is an ambassador for BH, so doubt she would suggest something else.  She did say to get the grain free but BH only have ocean fish in the puppy grain free, which my pup doesn't like anymore, so have been giving her the BH puppy original in chicken and rice and lamb and vegies.

  I thought they needed to stay on the puppy kibble for the first year?  My pet store gave me a sample of the Ivory Coat puppy Chicken, so I tried her with that this morning.


I find it strange that my puppy doesn't tolerate BH when her Mother & Father and their Mother & Father were all raised on it?

Edited by sheltiesrule
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If puppy was raised on grain free, and you suddenly introduce lots of grain, no doubt there will be tummy rumbles and flatulence,  as pup's system is unused to digesting the grain and different protein source.

I would suggest getting pup back on the original. How many meals did she miss before you gave in and fed her a more acceptable food? Normally pups won't starve themselves...its humans who give in. ;)

Edited by persephone
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I wonder why she recommends grain free? I might be wrong (more than likely) but I would think that if a pup is raised on grain free & even its mum was on grain free, then when it does get to eat normal food which contains some grains, its digestive system doesn't know how to cope with a bit of grain. I have my 4 month old BC puppy on Meals for Mutts Puppy (turkey, salmon & sardine & it contains some grains) for one meal & training, plus at night he gets a raw puppy patty & a cooked egg. I am going to keep him on the puppy for twelve months as recommended by my vet.


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Sorry to cause  confusion.   When my puppy arrived from the breeder she sent a bag of BH grain free ocean fish.  She also sent instructions to feed BH  grain free chicken & rice and Lamb & Vegies as well as the ocean fish, but the only grain free puppy kibble BH make is the ocean fish, which is why I have bought and feed the original kibble in chicken & Rice and Lamb & Vegies.

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Honestly, I don't understand why everyone recommends going with what the breeder recommends.  Some breeders are suckered in by advertising and fads just as much as the general public.  If they're an ambassador for the brand I think it means they get it at a discount for advertising it to puppy buyers and putting it on stuff at dog shows...not a good reason for you to buy that brand 

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Sandgrubber, the reason I decided to stick with what the breeder suggested, is because my previous sheltie suffered all his life with allergies and was constantly on steroid injections.  I had him on a raw food diet from day one - against what the breeder suggested.  So this time round I am going with dry kibble, my puppies skin and coat are amazing, its just the flatulence that is a concern.  I can only go by what I have seen in other dogs coats the breeder has and they are wonderful.

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sheltiesrule .... welcome to the endless discussion on feeding dogs. :(

it is one of the things which can give owners sleepless nights, cost a fortune, and cause many arguments. 

There are as many ways of feeding dogs as there are owners. 
I am a believer in a mostly raw diet ..it's what SAVED one of my dogs from some of his allergic reactions  ( obviously couldn't help the grass/pollen ones) 

Basically feed what your dog does best on ..and what has the best species-appropriate ingredients.  :)

What you notice as a smell, is your pup's digestive system having trouble . 
is it grain ? Quite probably . 
is it a different protein? Possibly 
Is it a treat  you are feeding ? maybe 

Try a dog probiotic from the vet or pet store ..and / or some lactose/free yoghurt  to provide good bacteria to help his tummy with digestion , maybe . 

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  On 12/06/2019 at 2:10 AM, sheltiesrule said:

My Breeder is an ambassador for BH, so doubt she would suggest something else.  She did say to get the grain free but BH only have ocean fish in the puppy grain free, which my pup doesn't like anymore, so have been giving her the BH puppy original in chicken and rice and lamb and vegies.

  I thought they needed to stay on the puppy kibble for the first year?  My pet store gave me a sample of the Ivory Coat puppy Chicken, so I tried her with that this morning.


I find it strange that my puppy doesn't tolerate BH when her Mother & Father and their Mother & Father were all raised on it?


Just because there an ambassador doesn't stop them from having a duty of care to a pup they have bred not doing well on a certain food .They may be sponsored but your not & a farting dog is not normal .
Speak to the breeder anyway to inform them of the issue ,plenty of breeders have had to suggest another food due to a pup/adult just simply not thriving on a food .Some dogs can not tolerate the fish .I have dogs here that are currently feed Taste of the wild pacific stream & doing great ,feed them another fished based brand & don't do great it just comes down to the ingredients .
Personally my dogs did terrible on Ivory Coat when they started changing the ingredients & adding coconut oil .


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  On 12/06/2019 at 3:06 AM, sandgrubber said:

Honestly, I don't understand why everyone recommends going with what the breeder recommends.  Some breeders are suckered in by advertising and fads just as much as the general public.  If they're an ambassador for the brand I think it means they get it at a discount for advertising it to puppy buyers and putting it on stuff at dog shows...not a good reason for you to buy that brand 


So you are saying when you sold your Lab pups you never gave a diet sheet & told them to feed what ever & it wasn't your problem??

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  On 12/06/2019 at 4:59 AM, Dogsfevr said:

So you are saying when you sold your Lab pups you never gave a diet sheet & told them to feed what ever & it wasn't your problem??


I generally told puppy buyers that there were many diets that work (generally worded, Labs have been known to thrive on many different diets) .  I think I suggested starting out with what I was feeding (mostly raw at the time) but said that scientific evidence about raw vs cooked was far from clear (the grain free nonsense wasn't yet big when I was breeding) and it was probably best to avoid canned food and the cheapest of supermarket foods.  At some point I began passing on advice from my vet that raw chicken poses a salmonella risk for pups under 4 months and adding warnings about overfeeding. 

I have a science background but have also taken marketing courses. As I have often said on this forum, IMHO there's a lot of marketing and not much science differentiating dog food choices. I can't justify recommending any one diet.  I am offended by your "isn't your problem" remark. 

P. S. To the best of my knowledge, none of my puppies ever had a food allergy or had dietary problems other than getting overweight. 

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Just an update, just got home from work and puppy is just as smelly as ever after having ivory coat grain free this morning.  Dogsfevr I wondered too whether it is the coconut oil in the ivory coat and the emu oil in the Blackhawk that’s causing it.  I am just about to email the breeder now, may just be a case of trying different brands till I find one that suits her, which could be an expensive exercise :(

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Many brands/stores offer money back guarantees, and some even post samples.


My dog didn’t do well on BH either - flatulence, oily coat, bad smell.


At risk of being eaten alive, most dogs are fine with grains. With what’s coming out re DCM I’d feed grain inclusive unless there is a specific reason not to for a particular dog.


You might like to look up WSAVA criteria for selecting dog food.


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  On 12/06/2019 at 5:58 AM, sheltiesrule said:

Just an update, just got home from work and puppy is just as smelly as ever after having ivory coat grain free this morning.  Dogsfevr I wondered too whether it is the coconut oil in the ivory coat and the emu oil in the Blackhawk that’s causing it.  I am just about to email the breeder now, may just be a case of trying different brands till I find one that suits her, which could be an expensive exercise :(


What else is she getting besides the kibble??....treats? or raw meaty bones?  if so what type?

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Sheena, my puppy just has the kibble, treats for training I use meatball type treats from the supermarket, but the flatulence was there before I started the treats, so I am sure it is the kibble.  She also has a bully stick she chews on sometimes at night.  When I cuddle her at night I can feel that her tummy grumbles and she looks uncomfortable sometimes.

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