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Waking up through the night


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Please help! I have a new dachshund pup who we got at 16 weeks. We don’t have him in a crate but we have him sleeping in our small laundry in a dog bed. He is waking in the middle of the night about 3-4 times. First time I get up and take him out to pee but he doesn’t do anything. An hour later he is barking again. I try to ignore him but he doesn’t give in. I have teenage kids that are being woken up so in the end it is me who gives up and I go and try to settle him again. But, I can’t keep doing this and I know he is forming a habit. Any ideas would be much appreciated. 

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I'd second crate training.   I prefer to have pups sleeping in a crate beside my bed, so that if they stir in the night, I can just talk to them and remind them it's sleepy time .. my current youngster, I just put a finger into the crate, she has a little nibble and then settles.   If the pup does need to go out to toilet, then you can quickly pop a leash on, take him out, no excitement, take him to an area he likes to pee - bushes, grass .. wait .. be boring ,, tell him he's clever when he pees, then quietly take him back to his crate, pop him in with a treat.


The advantage of having pups really close, is that they don't have the chance to work themselves up as they can if the humans are not close .. then the human eventually comes along .. and the pup has achieved company by barking.   Not actually what you want.

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Just remind your kids what they where like as babies when they would wake you up & you would have to go feed or change the nappy ,teenage kids old enough to assist in the new family member they most likely wanted  not leave it up to just you .

First off you got this puppy a tad older than normal who has most likely had constant company day & night .Pup is know on its own in the laundry ,a massive change to what its previous normal was.
I agree get a crate & place it next to your bed .Pup sleeps in it at night with no fuss by you .
I can honestly say most of our pups at 8/9/10 weeks sleep all night in the crate without needing to go to the loo because they fall alseep in a good healthy manner .
Its important before bedtime to not over stimulate pup or like children not too much video games or FB before bed ,calm relaxing ,out to the loo last minute & off to bed .

Dachies can be demanding critters with there barking .Also remember Dachies love to hide underthings at sleep time no matter how hot or cold it is .

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  • 2 years later...
On 28/01/2019 at 8:53 AM, jemappelle said:

You could try crate training him and having him sleep where he can see humans, or feels not so shut away.


What sort of mental and physical exercise does he get?

But if you put him in a crate in your room isn't that going to get him too used to being with you when he's older

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5 minutes ago, Cheryl A said:

But if you put him in a crate in your room isn't that going to get him too used to being with you when he's older

not if you train him to accept all other options. My dogs, who are house dogs, can all sleep outside at night, during the day as needed. I have 3 Greyhounds, one mainly sleeps on my bed, one in the dog basket and one in the crate (no door). It varies. And if I don't want a dog ( or 2!) on the bed they go sleep somewhere else. The couch or the spare bed.

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6 hours ago, Cheryl A said:

But if you put him in a crate in your room isn't that going to get him too used to being with you when he's older

No.  That is one of the advantages of a crate,  you are teaching him that crate=bed and security. You can move it wherever suits you and he will still think of it as his bed and safe haven.

you can move the crate a bit at a time so that he gradually becomes used to a new position.  Dogs who are properly crate trained look upon their crates as refuges and choose to lie in them when they want to relax.  Get one big enough to accommodate his sleepy time toys and leave them in there so that he knows where to find them when he is tired.


have to second the others —. He is very Cute!

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