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Corneal Ulcer

Guest crazydoglady99

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Guest crazydoglady99

 No third eyelid stitching T. We just came back from Vet check (the vet is so so busy, poor buggers), says it looks good. Check on Friday.


Monkey boy is sad, I don't think he is in pain, just stressed about wearing a collar and not being able to see.

It's a nice cool 20°C in here, so at least he's not having to suffer through the heatwave as well.


Thanks for the well wishes you beautiful people xx

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Guest crazydoglady99

Thanks PK -all good suggestions! :thanks:


I have tried almost all those things, plus some others with him on a 'normal' day.

Some were helpful initially helping him with separation anxiety. 


He's just a sensitive little dude that doesn't cope well with changes, he is usually happy, ball crazy in his safe little environment. 

We are staying close to him, that's what he wants at the moment (reassurance that everyone is here as usual). And his tennis ball, he is happy to have that with him too!

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You were very lucky to have a vet that could do the surgery for you.  I'm going through a similar thing at the moment with an old cat and all the local vets don't feel experienced enough to do it.  One of the downers of living in regional areas.

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Guest crazydoglady99

Oh no Jem :cry: sorry to hear. I hope you find someone to help you. 


Yes, definitely feeling very lucky! The senior vet was going to do the grid Keratectomy, but it just so happens that the clinic has a very experienced locum who has been there for a few months, and the vet we see asked his opinion on it (while out the back collecting blood for serum drops).

The locum vet said he's done loads of these on dogs & cats. I think also very fortunate that the vets at the clinic are obviously very supportive of each other, one tackled the consults so that other could get surgery done. The clinic is down 2 vets at present and booked out for weeks in advance, so they really went above and beyond.


I'm quite shocked at how quickly it went from my boy being very happy and able to see a little bit, to 3 days later the eye had ruptured. I read many different things that all say you can be quite conservative with ulcers and don't need to rush into surgery. I guess when it goes wrong, it does so quickly!

If I'd have had to wait to see a vet opthamologist -I don't know how long that might have taken, and at what consequence. 

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Guest crazydoglady99

Pic from this morning.

I am pooping my pants about that middle area being white rather than pink. Fingers crossed it's not dying tissue :crossfingers: (vet check early tomorrow morning)


He is still sad. Slightly more mobile. But will not seek out water etc on his own, he just cries and then we try figure out what he needs. His big sister Ella is snoozing in bed with him (he loves snoozing with her).

I woke up in the middle of the night to his cone snacking me in the face and took him out for toilet. My poor little Teddy Bear :cry:



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I don't think it's dying tissue @crazydoglady99 - if you look very closely at it, it appears to have blood vessels in it, and they look to be the right colour(s) for the eyeball. I'm no expert, but wouldn't be panicking just yet...


Sounds like the little munchkin is now milking the drama to get you to do his every bidding... and that's always a good sign, yes?


Please give him some more soft snuggles from me, and tell him Trubs is still sending him her best get well woo-woos still...



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Guest crazydoglady99

I hope so T!!! 


Hahaha something like that :laugh:


Give that beautiful labrador a big slobbery kiss from us x

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Guest crazydoglady99

Awwww thanks T!!! You're a gem :thanks:


Edit -back from Vet. All looks good :crossfingers:

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2 hours ago, crazydoglady99 said:

Awwww thanks T!!! You're a gem :thanks:


Edit -back from Vet. All looks good :crossfingers:

Excellent news!!


Trubs has been sending her most powerful get well woo-woos all morning...


Give the little man a snuggle from me and tell him he's a good boy for healing nicely... and not to scare his mummy any more... *grin*



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Guest crazydoglady99

Hey perse! :wave:  He's feeling the same.. sad.. a bit lost.. I don't think he's in pain (is having tramadol AM & PM).


The Vet that did surgery was on a day off yesterday, saw senior Vet for check up. Looking forward to hearing what Locum thinks at next check on Monday. Interestingly, Senior vet said he has never done this surgery (only grid Keratectomy). So our Locum is very skilled and experienced (talk about luck having him here!).


Eye looks good, nice and pink -oooh I haven't taken a pic yet today, must do that! 

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