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Low-protein kibble advice please


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Dandie-Zara developed a UTI and was found to have tiny struvite crystals in her urine, she also had a bacterial infection.

AB's and Urimav were prescribed, UTI cleared, pH showed around 6.25-6.5, it was advised that she stay on the Urimav.

I normally feed raw but do add a small amount of kibble to make sure she is getting a more varied intake of vitamins and minerals.

It seems from my searches that lower protein my be helpful so my question is...do any DOLers know of a low protein/grain/rice free kibble that is available?

I am not particulary interested in the 'sciency-types' of diets as they appear to be (in some cases) a bit of a con.


Thanks  :)

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I often buy almost bulk packs of craisins cheaply (near use-by) at NQR to use in no sugar rice-bakes mostly.  I've been advised that they dehydrate well and can then be powdered in a vitamix or coffee grinder.  Again lightly dehydrate the powder 'to be sure', decant into test tubes or spice containers and use with just about everything.  Also that fresh frozen packs defrosted dehydrate well.  Haven't tried it, must get the dehydrator out and use it more.


Is powdered cranberry good for pets?, I hadn't heard of it as a herbal remedy or additive.  Imagine it would need a fair amount to have any effect. 

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47 minutes ago, PossumCorner said:

I often buy almost bulk packs of craisins cheaply (near use-by) at NQR to use in no sugar rice-bakes mostly.  I've been advised that they dehydrate well and can then be powdered in a vitamix or coffee grinder.  Again lightly dehydrate the powder 'to be sure', decant into test tubes or spice containers and use with just about everything.  Also that fresh frozen packs defrosted dehydrate well.  Haven't tried it, must get the dehydrator out and use it more.


Is powdered cranberry good for pets?, I hadn't heard of it as a herbal remedy or additive.  Imagine it would need a fair amount to have any effect. 

I had phoned Vets all Natural and the chappy on the phone read out the pertinent points in one of Bruce Syme's articles on bladder stones; vitamin C and cranberry extract was suggested. I have searched on-line and keep finding opposing views which is annoying, here is one https://www.preventivevet.com/cats/cranberry-and-your-pets-urinary-health  

and some pro here  https://ultimatehomelife.com/can-dogs-eat-cranberries/

I don't know about the dried cranberries (from Aldi or supermarket) but I have been hesitant in case they have been preserved/dried using sulphur dioxide

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One thing that makes a WORLD of difference for my cats in terms of UTI is adding water to their food. They pee much more but it means that the urine is more dilute (less irritation) and if there are tiny stones they get flushed out more quickly. I use the same approach with my dogs. 

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I will do the adding more water suggestion SD;  seems pretty obvious doesn't it!

she gets vegie-slops with her meat anyway so I'll just extra-slop them

I have bought two VAN products to add to her dinner:

Vets All Natural Complete Mix Adult/Senior

Vets All Natural Health Booster

I'm still searching for cranberry powder/extract...I wonder if this will be a substitute? (it came up in the Country park search-box when I typed in 'cranberry') https://countrypark.com.au/product/bearberry-leaf/

Edited by Boronia
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