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Help Me Pick A Worming and Flea Treatment Combo


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I am trying to pick the right combination for my pet Corgi. He is 9 years old. Previously, we've been using Sentinel Spectrum. He absolutely hates the taste of it. So, after years of coating the chewables in peanut butter, I figured maybe it's time I try something else!


I've done some research on DOL and other internet resources, and I'm still not confident I'm getting the balance right! I don't want to overdose my dog if it's not necessary. As such, I'd like to hear out what others use.


If I purchase Advantix for fleas and ticks, and Milbemax for worms, have I got everything covered? 


To provide a bit more background, I live on the fringe of the CBD, so it's highly unlikely it's a flea prone area. However, he goes to daycare twice a week, so he does interact with a large number of different dogs on a weekly basis.

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I use Nexgard Spectra for my two border collies.  I have been using Nexgard for years.  It does fleas, ticks & most worms including heartworm.  Never had a problem with it & havn't seen a flea or tick since using it even though I am in a high tick area

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I use Advantage in flea season only (alt for tick areas is Advantix year round) and do the heartworm (monthly) and allworm (6 monthly) separately. It's a bit fiddly but I have some older dogs and prefer to avoid the multi treatments and like to tailor things. :) 



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On ‎25‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 4:45 PM, sheena said:

I use Nexgard Spectra for my two border collies.  I have been using Nexgard for years.  It does fleas, ticks & most worms including heartworm.  Never had a problem with it & havn't seen a flea or tick since using it even though I am in a high tick area

Ditto - haven't seen a flea on either of the pugs for many many years.

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