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GOOD ON YOU Media Watch. Finally ...“If the RSPCA ADOPTS A PRESUMPTION OF GUILT it cant disclaim all responsibility for what happens.”


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When oh when will someone in government not only remove their "charity" status, but remove their complete protection from accountability once and for all? 


over twenty years now the targeted have been asking for an avenue of appeal that has been denied for far too long.


Have let them remove the public prosecutor from doing his job in prosecution and substituted their own solicitors and counsel who charge more to prosecute a case than a murder trial and thus acquire entire properties from the target in legal fees alone.


unreal, didnt even know the dog was a pointer,?



The RSPCA and public accountability
Media Watch
about 3 weeks ago · 
What responsibility does the RSPCA have to the public when it releases footage of alleged animal cruelty?







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remember folks, my dog was taken  more than 17 years ago now.


kept for 13 days despite his own vet phoning every single day to ask for his return as he had nothing wrong with him.

only after they had run out of ideas to test him for.

eg, Demadectic mange, scarpoctic mange, hyperparathyroidism , forget the rest, I have the itemised invoice and seizure sticker still on file incidentally.


Alec LaScalles the then head of CSIRO Animal health told me the chance of them getting a posative for hyperparathyroidism in a dog they were saying was "underweight" was one in two million, but they still tested him for it and billed me for everything, including an entire box of omega oil capsules which my vet said I should have been given the box considering it held 100 capsules (I was billed and paid for the entire box/bottle) and he was given only 2 of them?

He said from the itemised account the dog had endured 21 needle insertions and two skin plugs removed.

He wanted me to sue them for aggravated cruelty.

Arguing he had never lost a case when the head vet for RSPCA Victoria before Hugh Worth.


I tried to explain to him that he had the backing of the RSPCA'S  millions, I didn't have that kind of money to fight.


I had taken him immediately to his vet upon leaving that horrible place, he was so distressed and foaming from the mouth so much that this 1.2 kg chihuahua soaked an entire box of tissues in that short trip.  Betty Stepkovitch was with me when we picked him up and saw what a mess he was returned in. When I asked what was wrong with him the vet who had done all the damage told me , He had no idea, but now he was in my care now, he would examine him at my cost, I told him he was being taken immediately to his own vet.


He was found to be suffering dehydration, pnemonia and a torn trachea, probably acquired when an overlarge tube had been forced for the op to remove the skin plugs, so required a drip and antibiotics to save his life.


yet 17 years later I still have to endure people that have the hide to still be telling me "where there's smoke there's fire".


There is no "innocent until proven guilty" when those bastards are involved.


The Ruth Downy Inquisition was unfortunately written by a journalist with too much flamboyance in his words, but the evil inflicted on that poor woman was utterly true, my poor dog was incredibly lucky he wasn't killed.


At present you need millions to fight them. or plead guilty. unless you have millions you will lose everything and your reputation along with it anyway.


the chap who won his case over the slaughter of his murry gray cattle, took ten years to achieve his dubious victory.  The RSPCA has spent 7 million fighting it, still refuse to pay the 2 million or more awarded in damages and still appealing.


I doubt his name will ever be cleared either, smoke leaves ash remember



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This letter was tabled to Parliament and copy available in The Hansard.


With this man's qualifications makes you wonder why his recommendations have not been implemented?


3rd June 2010
The Honorable Members
General Purpose Standing Committee No.5
Inquiry into the R S P C A raid on the Waterways Wildlife Park
Dear Members,
My full name is Leon Andrew Mills and I have resided in Gunnedah since 1982, I moved to Gunnedah as a result of my applying for the Police Prosecutors position for the Gunnedah Local Court Circuit. I continued in that position until my retirement in 2006. In 2008 I stood in the Local Government elections and was successful in gaining office as a Gunnedah Shire Councillor. I am still in that position today.

The two submission I would like the Honorable Committee to consider are that the compliance section of the RSPCA 9RSPCA Inspectors) be disbanded and that all the duties that they try to perform in relation to the investigation and brief preparation for alleged offences under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 (the Act), be given to sworn Constables of the NSW Police Force in particular the Rural Crime Unit. My second submission is that all prosecutions under the Act by done by Police Prosecutors in the Local Court jurisdiction.

RSPCA Inspectors obtain their powers s a result of being issued an Authority under .section 4D(2) of the Act. In relation to this Inquiry it is clear that Inspectors Prowse and French have no idea of their powers. I say that on this basis, the Act is clear in relation to what an inspector can do and is set out in Division 2 of the Act. On the Friday following the taking of the Koalas a report was broadcast on the 6.30am local A B C News that Officer Prowse said the reason for taking the Koalas was that they were “stressed”. There is no power under the Act to take an animal that is stressed. It alledging distress, as referred to in Section 24H subsection (5) of the Act, there is no evidence at all that any of these animals were suffering debility, exhaustion or significant physical injury. To support what I am submitting, the Honorable Committee would note that the Officers examined the Koalas at about 10.30-11am. They gave no treatment to these Koalas from that time until after 4.30pm, why? There was nothing wrong with them, and of course we are talking about Officers that would be expected to take immediate action if an animal was suffering debility, exhaustion or significant physical injury. These two Officers had to do something and they illegally removed these Koala for the sole purpose of the T V show R S P C A Animal Rescue. To further support this submission the head of the R S P C A Mr Steve Coleman said no proceedings would be taken against Nancy Small as a result of community outrage. I completely reject this statement. As a former Police Prosecutor of 28 years both in the city and country on rare occasions there is community outrage when some proceedings are taken. I have never before heard of proceedings for a criminal matter being abandoned or not brought because of community outrage. The reason there were no proceedings brought was that there was nothing wrong with these animals.
Offences under the act are Criminal. Officers French and Prowse were supposed to be “investigating” this matter. It is interesting to note the quality of this so called investigation. No interview with Nancy Small or any other carers of these Koalas. No exhibits such as, stool samples, feed provided in the Koala enclosure, photos for identifications of each Koala, no tagging for identification. When one looks at the R S P C A Seizure Notice re this matter S N 010 16 the Officers have not even identified the Koalas to the extent of their sex. This so called investigation is absolutely pathetic and shows the quality of how RSPCA inspectors carry out their duties.
The N S W police have a branch now called the Rural Crime Unit these branches operated both in the city and country. They are staffed by sworn Police who have been fully trained in investigation techniques. Many of these Officers are fully trained Detectives. It would be my respectful submission that these officers should take over the compliance section of the R S P C A. Of course it would require extra staff and resources. It would be my suggestion that appropriate funding could be transferred from the funding the State Government gives to the R S P C A to the Police Budget.
Another benefit of a transfer to Police is that all Police investigations are subject to review by independent authorities such as the Ombudsman or I C A C. This is not the case with R S P C A inspectors, they answer to no one other than themselves. On the 18th of February last I attended the local branch meeting of the R S P C A as the head of the organization Mr Steve Coleman was attending. During the course of the meeting he answered a number of questions re the Waterways incident. Mrs. Dodd asked him a question being, “who can I complain to”, Mr Coleman’s response was “the Chief Inspector of the RS S P C A”. From a community point of view in this day and age it is totally unacceptable that we have an organization such as this that when a complaint comes in they investigate themselves.
The subject Koalas were living in a happy well cared for environment when they were illegally removed by Inspectors French and Prowse. One of the females had a baby Koala in her pouch that Mrs Small was aware of. I have been told that the R S P C A Inspectors became aware of this fact over the 48 hours following their removal. One of the other Koalas was an elderly female that Mrs Small has described as the “Old Lady”. Mrs Small has never denied that this Koala was elderly and whilst ever in good health could live out her days in the Koala Enclosure. Both these Koalas that were supposed to being cared for by Inspectors French and Prowse are now dead so I ask this question what investigation has the RSPCA done in relation to the deaths of these Koala or am I correct in assuming that when an animal dies because of the ignorance or lack of care by that inspector no investigation takes place. This is another example as to why the Police should take over these responsibilities so that when this type of incident occurs it can be properly investigated or reviewed by an appropriate authority.
I referred earlier in this document to the fact that prior to my retirement I was the police Prosecutor for the Gunnedah Court Circuit. During the 1980’s and 1990’s and in some cases still to this day besides representing Police informants in Court Police prosecutors represent many other entities, for example, Probation and Parole, National Parks and Wildlife, D O C S, Roads and Traffic Authority and the RSPCA. Over the years until about 2000, every so often I would receive a brief from an RSPCA Inspector who would be the informant usually in more than one information. If the matter was a “not guilty” plea I would present the case on behalf of the informant. If the offence or offences were proved some costs would be sought by the Informant that would usually be for witness expenses and any fodder that may have been required to give to the animals in question. No Legal professional costs were ever sought. In addition a fact I feel is relevant is that Police Prosecutors DPP Prosecutors and Crown Prosecutors have a duty to place all the evidence before the Court. Each carries a custodial penalty of 2 years imprisonment. True there is a difference in the monetary penalty but goal is the most severe penalty for a Criminal Offence. A common assault is one where the victim suffers no serious injury. For some reason the Parliament does not view aggravated cruelty as a serious offence at law.
The RSPCA since about 2000, to my knowledge, have been engaging private solicitors to conduct their prosecutions and one might ask why did they move to this system.
It is my submission that this practice should cease and that Police Prosecutors should conduct the prosecutions for the RSPCA. I say that on this basis. By engaging private Solicitors or barristers there is no obligation on them to place before the Court evidence that may disadvantage their case. Legal and Professional Costs come into play. If their prosecution is successful they would ask for these costs. It seems unbelievable that recently in one of their prosecutions at Narrabri an amount in excess of a quarter of a million dollars was sought for costs in a matter heard in the Local Court, and as I said before, an offence not serious at law.
In conclusion it is my humble opinion that inspectors French and Prowse have no knowledge in respect to their obligations under the Act and it is clear they see their careers more in the field of TV and to add insult to injury when asked a question by myself about the TV show RSPCA Animal Rescue and their role in this incident when he attended Gunnedah on the 18th February last, Mr Coleman’s explanation was and I quote, “the Officers had been on another job with them and when they said they were going to Gunnedah the crew said we might just tag along” end quote. I informed him that I did not accept that explanation at all. It’s a sad situation when the head of such an organization is trying to assist the coverup.

Yours faithfully
Leon Mills
Gunnedah Shire Council

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It's a totally messed up organisation. I had an incident with them. My sister's farm was seized and they had to leave behind a large herd of sheep due to lamb that it wasn't safe to move. They were hoping to have the seizure overturned and were not allowed to return to the property and were unsure what arrangements were made by the org who had seized it to care for the sheep, particularly as the Maremma's had also been removed by the council ranger. So I rang the closest RSPCA for advice on whether they had the ability to ensure the safety of the sheep or do welfare checks. A head officer was aware of the situation via the ranger and told me that if my sister and her husband (who were homeless at this early point) didn't ensure the safety of the sheep they WOULD be charged with animal cruelty on top of everything else they were going through. Why is the word 'prevention' in their name if you can't ask for advice or assistance in unusual and genuine circumstances?


Aside from this they don't remove animals for puppy farms until they are deemed only good to be pts. What good is it to a dog being saved if there is no life left to be lived? These situations don't just occur overnight either. Then they claim poor because so many dogs had to be seized at one time and they are overwhelmed and need everyone to donate money! There was a recent case on the Gold Coast of footage of a man punching and kicking a young dog in public. Social media found him and the RSPCA were forced to act (initially they said there wasn't enough evidence of harm). I have a friend who remains traumatised after a man set his leashed dog upon a stray cat outside her house that she was trying to tame and rehab/contain. It was broad daylight, there were 4 witnesses who also video taped it on their phones, including a postman. They also had pics of the car he was in and rego so obtaining an address was possible. He told the RSPCA it wasn't him (the car was registered to someone else). The RSPCA said that was it, he has denied it, there is not enough evidence, we can do nothing, it was only a stray cat. How lazy is that! Eye witnesses say yes and a perp says no and that's good enough? I'm sure it was about forking out money to prosecute it.


What they seem to focus on is missing the mark repeatedly. I have said it many times - if they were doing what the general public thinks they are doing with all their donated money there would be no need for so many other independant rescue groups to exist. All creatures, great and small would have the protector they need. The RSPCA throws their hands up in despair at hard work more than any other rescue group across this country and yet they have more money and the capacity to earn more money than all of them collectively (well maybe not Pet Rescue!).


So many stories and it is always the animals still suffering. If they were doing a great job we would all be behind them 1000% percent.

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well it took 30 years of calls for accountability for something to be done about Pell so we can look forward to perhaps another 13 years yet before something might done about accountability of the  rspca


in the meantime someone posted this tips to protect yourself. Some comments re the attachment seen on facebook


 Excellent advice. Better still, don't wait for the Rspca to visit, anyone with multiple animals should do this because they WILL come one day.
The catch is that many of the people they target are too poor to afford things like surveillance equipment and extra vet visits.




 It is sad that you have to go to these lengths all because of a charity




 It is sad that children have to be escorted to and from school Carolyn
It is sad that police abuse their powers.
It is sad that it is a good idea to have a dashcam in your car or a headcam when you're riding a bicycle.
All of these things are necessary to protect yourself.
It is a sick world but I see your point.


click on the page below and it will open big enough to read



rspca protection advice.jpg

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Riana Fern Vogler‎ to QT - The Queensland Times

10 March at 20:08 · 


In September 2016 the Animal Welfare League of Queensland, who accomplished zero euthanasia of healthy and sociable animals in just 18 months, lost their 5-year contract with Ipswich City Council to run the pound. They lost this contract to RSPCA Queensland.

When the AWLQ took over the Ipswich City Council Pound in 2011 they did what they do best, they saved lives. Despite the old and outdated facilities AWLQ, in just a year and a half, established education programs and implemented subsidised desexing programs and achieved zero euthanasia of healthy and sociable animals. These sorts of things are what rescue groups are supposed to do when given the chance to make a difference, so what has the RSPCA accomplished in this time?

Unfortunately for the city of Ipswich, the RSPCA are a deceitful organisation who do not deserve to be titled as ‘animal rescuers’. What this group has accomplished since taking over the contract for Ipswich City Council late 2016 has been nothing short of disgusting as the most recent statistics have come to light, but where is the media now? During the tender process the Queensland Times could not help but to report on what was happening and what the RSPCA ‘vowed’ to do and whilst that content was completely one-sided there seems to be silence as the truth comes out about just how corrupt the RSPCA are. In one article published by the Queensland Times RSPCA Queensland CEO Mark Townend was quoted saying that, regarding the cats, that they are kept in a “hot shed and we have space inside that people were using before, we want to use it for animals”. Over a year down the track and has this happened? No. In the same article the public were assured that there would be some familiar faces remaining at the centre as the RSPCA played hero and ‘hired’ three former staff members … Are those staff members still employed in Ipswich? No, as a matter of fact they were all used as media stunt and then released before their probation period was met. The same goes for volunteers, where the RSPCA assured all current volunteers at the Hooper St site that they would be welcomed to the team with open arms – I urge you to enquire as to how many previous volunteers are currently active with the RSPCA because I can assure you that this sure did not happen.

When speaking about the contract itself, there is no secret that the RSPCA requested a $100,000 one-off starting fee to ‘improve’ facilities and it has also been publicised that a condition within this contract was for the Ipswich City Council to build new facilities within three years or face a $200,000 penalty. This is something that was never offered to the AWLQ and in fact, AWLQ was never given any significant (and much needed) upgrades during their five years with the contract. So, what has made the RSPCA so appealing to the council that has allowed them to be walked all over and had their pockets reached into? Surely it cannot be because the recently appointed Mayor of Ipswich City, Andrew Antoniolli, is on the board of the RSPCA … That would be absurd ...

In the past week the RSPCA Queensland has written a series of articles to local media platforms complaining about how they cannot keep up with the number of ‘unwanted’ pets in the community. So why take over a pound that was running perfectly fine when you can’t cope with the sectors you already handle? Figures have been released showing the RSPCA Queensland outcomes for “surrendered” pets and in Ipswich the statistics are horrid. Not only have there only been 839 adoptions versus a whopping 1769 euthanised, but the total number of animals unaccounted for is 1149 – so where the heck are they?!

I demand that the RSPCA, those paid by the government to inspect animal abuse cases, are inspected themselves and exposed for the frauds that they are.

For those of you who made it through this post, I encourage you to please email the Ipswich City Council at [email protected] and just let them know what the people think!








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no it was directly because Media watch aired that program, finally exposing what so many know has been going on for decades but nobody in government or media will point out the elephant in the room . 


the gross misuse of power given to a group with little actual knowledge of animals, let alone their welfare, with no avenue of appeal by those targeted and treated as guilty from the get go. the mental suffering caused when they realise they have no avenue of appeal and will forever more be assumed guilty even if never charged


it is no longer a charity, its a massive inc machine sucking in money from every avenue it can find


yet constantly asking for donations to save....  yet the majority of the free publicity stories of the animals used for the purpose end up dead not rehomed.


a royal commission into  them should be tabled sooner rather than later, times up for the banks, pell and now its their turn the P no longer stands for prevention it stands for plunder, the queen needsto remove their right to use the word royal

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Interesting observations from a new source, expect there will be many before a royal commission into the rspca ever gets started.


Destroying Someone’s Reputation

Calling RSPCA is a great way to ruin someone’s reputation.  To see constant visits from the RSPCA and having horses seized, people see that and think there must be something to it.  

“She has had several visits from the RSPCA she must have done something”…….  

It just needs someone/or more who have the intention to create pain, all they have to do is make a “report” to the RSPCA and have a local inspector keen to support that. When all this started on 7 February 2017 Marji had absolutely no idea what path she was being forced down.

The RSPCA - Your Choice

We do not want to prejudice the evidence or an investigation.  Whether you think the RSPCA is a wonderful organisation or someone thinks it is an evil organisation, one would hope that you will want to see truth and justice. Whatever your opinion of the RSPCA I hope that you will believe in our justice system and that Marji should be able to plead her case in court to have her horses returned to her and her innocence of neglect and/or cruelty. 

She says “I will welcome my day in court and will enjoy that everyone else will have to attend and testify under oath.  Hopefully, no-one will be able to crawl under a rock.  I also hope that it will be very public and the RSPCA and their cronies, will be forced to look everyone in the face”. 

Let’s hope that “Yardahgate” becomes as famous as “Watergate”.  While the campaign is live, we will try to give updates every couple of days. 

Marji’s Manifesto.

1.       I will fight for justice for myself and others.

2.       I will fight for my reputation.

3.       I will fight to protect my animals from people who want to harm them.

4.       I will fight to bring the murderer of Foggy accountable and what caused the injury of “Horse”, if possible.

5.       I will fight to get my horses back before any damage is done to them by the RSPCA.

6.       Any donations excess of the costs in this fight, will be donated to the Cancer Council.

'No man in the wrong can stand up against a fellow that's in the right and keeps on a-comin'.   Captain Bill McDonald Texas Ranger 

Marji says “as my reputation has been tainted I have videoed the animals and the conditions on Yardah.  Sadly, it is not as nice as it was once due to “life challenges” and the season but I do not consider that any of these horses are/or were in any way at risk. To suggest that I have been neglectful or cruel has pained me to the core.”


Marji has many years of video on You Tube that shows happy horses, achieving beautiful, classical training that has always been done with the relationship and mental and physical well-being of the horse as a foundation for her horses and those of her students around the world. https://www.youtube.com/user/Yardahstud 

Confront the Immorality

Please support this campaign.  It is only by someone being prepared to confront the immorality, that this will cease.  The RSPCA depend that they have unlimited funds and the normal person simply cannot defend themselves.  The advice to Marji was to “just roll over” but she is not that sort of person. She has always stood up for the vulnerable and fought injustice- whether it has been hers or another’s. 

Since Marji was diagnosed with cancer, she has experienced the support of the Cancer Council who are doing so much wonderful work for people.  We all know that cancer is a possibility in families. Any excess after the costs of fighting the RSPCA and associated investigations, will be given to the Cancer Council.

Duck Soup

It seems that people in U.K. are having the same problems that we are having here.
In U.K. it took 11 people, a riot van, 2 police cars to take 2 ducks which were free to leave at any time.  

Marji Says

“If we win, and the RSPCA are forced to pay for what they caused, there will be a lot of money for the Cancer Council; if not, I will have to face the horror that is being presented.

I have had an amazing journey and been part of the lives of so many people around the world.  After realising that I am not “bullet-proof” I have been organising my legacy as I want to leave behind my knowledge and ideas.  It is taking a bit longer due to this debacle.





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