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Hot spots between toes


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I'm not sold on beef at this stage.. It has just been eliminated to keep things simple for now. But I agree.. She doesn't get a lot of dairy anway, apart from some yoghurt here and there.

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  • 2 months later...

Well mid November now.. and everything had been going well. We have a bit of a flare up on a back toe and I'm not sure what the cause is.


Have had some rainfall, which in turn has also put a lot of grass to seed and growing madly. We also ventured out on the weekend for a bbq where she may have snaffled some beefy/lamb/pork treats..


Anyway, dropped her half an apoquel and put some betadine on the inflamed area. Hopefully we can nip it in the bud and get back on track without having the full flare up we had last December. At present all the hair had pretty much grown back.

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  • 2 months later...

The last couple weeks we've endured a LOT of rain. And I probably haven't paid as much attention to maintenance as I should have. I knew shes had a couple hot spots on her rear feet but today shes broken right out. Inflamed up her rear legs, underside of her front legs into one arm pit. Her elbow callus's look a little red and angry, and her chin appears a bit inflamed as well. Poor little thing.


Get her back onto a full dose of apoquel for now and a medicated wash. Hopefully can bring it under control. Going back through this thread appears it was the same time last year that I struggled the most as well.. indicating most likely is environmental/seasonal.

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Guest crazydoglady99

I think its  food issue.  I realise you dont think its a food issue - it's your dog though. But geez, the poor bugger is really suffering for a long time while you figure it out :cry:


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It could be food. But her diet has been constant, and her symptoms have resided, improved, had minor irritations, and then gone full blown out.. all without any dietry changes (unless if she is eating something in the yard; paspalum grass/small palm seeds). I haven't seen any palm seeds in her droppings, nor have I seen her eat any this year though.. I know she has in the past. She is drawn to the paspalum for some reason and it is a common trigger.


Our yard has been smashed by armyworms (grubs) this year so have had to put some pesticides down for that, as well as some lawn feeder to boost it back up. The buffalo has quite a few new runners shooting, but any weeds we have are also making the most of the wet conditions and nutrients.


She certainly hasn't suffered the whole time, but when she breaks out like she in she (which she hasn't since this time last year) it breaks my heart; knowing it must be uncomfortable yet everything I'm trying doesn't help. On the bright side, it doesn't appear to damper her personality at all. She's one tough little mutt. Next vet visit I'll be moving to a smaller one where I can build a relationship with a single vet hopefully.



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If she is living exclusively outside and you think this is an environmental allergy, why not just bring her inside? Might give the poor girl some relief. Then you can do the boot trial which was mentioned earlier in this thread. 

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Cause dog hair, kids, cat.. she has not been house trained to be left inside alone.. she's not a small dog who can be isolated within a confinement in a house, and I don't think indoors life is a reasonable life for a dog. I let her in on her mat in at times, supervised.. She would tear the place up if left in alone.  

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Plus her outside isn't just tied up in a yard, or caged. She has free range of the whole back yard, the garage, the verandah and the decking around by the washing line. We all have different ideas of what a pet should be.


Only have a handful of apoquel left to get through, so will be back to the vet soon.

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Her sore spots are looking much better than yesterday already. The red irritated areas of skin have dried out and now just flaky skin...

I've also worked with her since day one.. she knows the doors are boundaries. I can leave the house open all day and she'll sit at the door. She'll try her luck and stick her front legs in to have a look around the corner but that's it. Same with access to the front yard. From her perspective she doesn't see not being allowed in as a bad thing. And we quite often spend time outside with her and her many toys.

In relation to the boots. It's interesting that her irritation has been less between her toes or under her pads and this time more around her ankles and up her lower legs. If it was a contact allergy I'd expect to see it all over her belly as well as she happily lazes around in the grass. It could even be something we encountered on her walks recently that seeds/blossoms at this time of the year. Would you also suggest keeping her locked inside and not walking her to give her some relief?

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from HERE

Epsom Salts Foot Bath 

Did you know this foot bath can assist dogs suffering from seasonal allergies that result in red itchy feet and patterns?

In addition, it’s a great way to give your dog a magnesium boost.

Use 1/2 a cup of salts in a bucket, start with some boiling water to dissolve the crystals and the add cold water with the result being luke warm water.

Soak for 5-10 mins. Give the dog a nice gentle massage or treats to keep them in place. Sometimes it’s a 2 people job. If you have a big dog, you may need to do one foot at a time or use a larger container - if you can get the dog in the bath then that’s awesome and they can have an Epsom salts bath.

Dry well after and you can repeat daily. Some chronic dogs are treated up to 4 times a day.

Remember, with seasonal allergy dogs, wipe their coats down with a wet towel and rinse feet after walks to rid pollens and contact irritants.

The current high humidity in Sydney is not helping skin issue dogs 

Support your problem dog with a healthy diet with omega-3s and food high in Zinc and E.

Be sure to see your Vet if you can’t get a handle on your dogs skin issues - if your Vet isn’t able to help you any further, ask for a referral to a Dermatologist.

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Don't go traveling without one!

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Thanks Pers.. I hadn't considered Epsom salt baths.. I use them for myself, but not for the dog.. Already supplement with golden paste/turmeric, fish, omega 3's, ACV, yoghurt, etc

I have been bathing her feet with an antibacterial wash. I think it probably dries them up a bit, but I prefer dry and flaky to red and moist... and from what I can tell she does too. Just about back on top of things. Just waiting for the one spot on her back foot to heal where she licked it open.


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  • 4 weeks later...

You might want to consider the new cytopoint injections - I found for my boy they reduced itch drastically for 2 weeks (I was sad it wasn't longer!). We've had good and longer responses from a number of dogs at my work (4-6 weeks). Of course the apoquel does sound like its working for her too and dermatologists are still recommending it as it does work very quickly to reduce itch (rebound effect has been noted though- split the daily dose into 2 seems to help with this).  


From what you are writing it sounds very similar to my boy - he is atopic and has skin barrier dysfunction. Weekly malaseb baths help to keep the allergen numbers down - if you follow with pyohex conditioner you won't get that dry flakiness and it has residual antibacterial activity on the skin for 7 days after the bath - this combination has stopped my boy suffering recurring skin infections. Like your dog he has definite flare ups throughout the year depending on grasses/pollens etc. It sucks.. remember skin is all about managing which sounds like you are doing - we cannot cure it and the itch will never be zero, its all about reducing those flare ups! 

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Spot on karly. The last vet I saw was a small independent. She was very pro malaseb, and not fond of apoquel at all (for a number of reasons she discussed). In saying that she supplied me with as many apoquels as I wanted, offered much advice, let me look at the skin samples under the microscope and wrote a script for some antibiotics in the event that a flare up looked like it needed it.


The skin samples showed high volumes of yeast, which she suggested I use fanny cream on.. lol! along with the washing as required. The season is on the change here and we haven't needed the apoquel at all since the last flare up. She still has some itching, but she's not breaking out in inflamed patches and any that do pop up I can get under control reasonably quickly.


We discussed the shots and that she has seen good results with it, but it's a big outlay for a short relief. With the apoquel I have pretty much found a quarter of a pill (half of her minimum suggested dose) is enough to nip things in the bud.

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  • 6 months later...

Coming back around towards the end of the year and have noticed the pattern reoccur. Some itching, drying of the skin, and some hair loss down the underside of the paws. Good thing is we can manage it now before it really flares up. Must be something environmental.

Anyway, she'll be coming up to 3 years old soon and has turned out to be a lovely dog!



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  On 17/09/2019 at 9:38 AM, KobiD said:

Coming back around towards the end of the year and have noticed the pattern reoccur. Some itching, drying of the skin, and some hair loss down the underside of the paws. Good thing is we can manage it now before it really flares up. Must be something environmental.

Anyway, she'll be coming up to 3 years old soon and has turned out to be a lovely dog!




It does sound like it .. but it's good that you've worked out ways of keeping it under control.


And it's lovely to read how pleased you are with her … at nearly 3, with the work you've put in with her, I thinkyou can say you're seeing the dog she really is.  :clap:


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  On 18/09/2019 at 3:17 AM, Tassie said:

It does sound like it .. but it's good that you've worked out ways of keeping it under control.


And it's lovely to read how pleased you are with her … at nearly 3, with the work you've put in with her, I thinkyou can say you're seeing the dog she really is.  :clap:



I could have put more work into her for sure.. There are still some areas where she needs work too.

She's certainly still has lots of personality, but on the whole she is well behaved and has a sound temperament.

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  • 6 months later...

Couple more months on and a bit later on the wet season and growth and she's now in the middle of a flare up and I'm all but out of apoquel. Need to get to the vet and get another script happening. The washing alone doesn't seem to be enough to stop the licking. It does keep the injection away, but the licking strips the hair and makes it even easier for the skin to flare up as a result. Heart breaking going through this every year...

BUT! I also changed her off her usual Meals for Mutts to Savourlife early feb. We're a good way through the bag and it's also aligning with her itch/flare up.. It's 2nd ingredient is chicken meal.. and I have suspected that chicken also gives her some itch. So hard to find a food without chicken in it though.


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Taste of the wild pacific stream has no chicken 

fish4dogs do a no chicken variety 

There is a couple off others .


i have a dog who can not have chicken off any kind .



Also consider getting the thyroid checked 

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