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Dog keeps taking things off tables


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I would never use any harsh training with my girl,  I am with her all day, so keep an eye on what she is doing.

Poodle Forum  had one lady post how she trains her dogs not to bark , by hitting their butts with a Fly Swatter,  I thought  it quite  extreme .

This  lady  also trains her dogs not to jump on her , by stepping on the dogs feet if it jumps,  she says the dogs adore her. :scold:

We are talking about  small Toy poodles  that this lady has.


The saucepan noise  ect,  was for larger standard poodles.

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It’s harmful and unnecessary either way, Pandi. There are better ways to train using positive reinforcement and plain old management. :) :heart: 


The only thing Malcolm counter surfs for is cheese! He once put all four paws onto a large coffee table and took off with an entire wheel of peppercorn cheese. Why peppercorn cheese when there was also regular cheddar, Camembert and all sorts of other cheeses we will never know. I also once caught him on top of the dining table; he thought a cheese platter was there but it had been removed. Heart in mouth moment as he’s a Chi x and would have injured himself had he jumped!

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I have a would if she could couter surfer. But because the man who made my kitchen  was over six foot, the sides are way to high for stumpy little legs! Its just under chest high for me!

But the Fauves will steal if they can. Especially out of the fridge, they do fast dives if I don't watch them.

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My dear Miss Molly was occasionally  a little sneak thief ...we only ever noticed after the event, as she was as nimble as a cat , and could be on a table ..even a crowded one ...take what she wanted , and be off again without a sound , or a movement of anything  on that table ...

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  • 3 weeks later...

My husky is well known for pinching stuff, don’t want it chewed or stolen don’t leave it anywhere he can get it. It’s funny to watch him if he doesn’t know you’re watching, he just very gently grabs the very edge of it and pulls it to the edge then lets it fall to the floor so he can investigate it properly! Then if he decides it’s good he will take it back to his “spot” where he stashes his things. 


He he took my wallet once, he was about 4 years old at the time (never grew out of pinching stuff), to this day I have no idea where he put it I searched all through the house and yard never found it. I knew he had it because I found some coins and chewed cards in the yard. Had to replace license, Medicare card the lot. 


Then about 6 months later I went into hospital when I broke my back, was gone for about a week and had friends looking after him. When I got home I found my long lost wallet in the centre of my bed! It was dirty and chewed but still had money in it and everything. No idea what he was thinking or what made him give it back but it was so funny and sweet that he decided to give it back to me. :) 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 14/12/2017 at 9:26 PM, PossumCorner said:

I'm a little amazed at that poodle forum snippet.  I thought one of the mantras of poodle people was never punish a poodle.  For good reasons.  And to frighten a dog, any dog, ever, is so negative in my book.  Fear can never be unlearned.

Yep agreed.  My Andy, a puppy farm rescue has come such a long way - but he's never got over his fear of strangers, dark-haired men or people he doesn't initially recognise.  And whatever I've done to help him on this particular fear has never worked.  The latest episode was we walked to the local shop on the seafront and I thought :idea: 'A coffee!  Good Idea'!     Wrong! I didn't think, its summer here and the local deli at lunchtime is packed.   The moment Andy walked into the shop (dogs are allowed) and saw it was full of strangers he absolutely freaked out, slipped his harness and bolted for the footpath.  Thank goodness a quick thinking man behind me grabbed him.  Some years ago, Sarah was really frightened by a white dinner plate which rattled onto the floor next to her.  So of course for the next few years I couldn't feed her from white plates of any type nor would she go near any white plates.  


In my experience fear is never unlearned - so don't use it to teach in the first place.  :)

Edited by westiemum
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On 11 January 2018 at 8:23 AM, WoofnHoof said:

Then about 6 months later I went into hospital when I broke my back, was gone for about a week and had friends looking after him. When I got home I found my long lost wallet in the centre of my bed! It was dirty and chewed but still had money in it and everything. No idea what he was thinking or what made him give it back but it was so funny and sweet that he decided to give it back to me. :) 


What an honest boy!  I know we can't anthropomorphise our dogs but it's tempting.


Tibbie boy, Creedence next door, climbed onto the kitchen table & took 3 apples.  2 he took out to his daybed on the deck.  The other he carried to his dad & dropped it at his feet.  Thus revealing himself as a crook but a good-hearted one.


His family now keep the chairs a long distance from the table!

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