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Oravet Dental Hygiene Chews

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My vet gave us one as a free sample, 

I let PANDI chew it a bit over two days , it went quite sticky , so threw it away.

The reason i let her have it - because Vet said, she should get use to chewing them to keep teeth clean.

I wont be buying them  :mad 

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Pandi, they say to throw them out if not eaten immediately as they become hard, perhaps the oozing is another thing that can happen?


The absolute best thing you could do for Pandi's dental health would be to teach her from a young age to love having her teeth brushed (with doggy toothpaste) and make it a regular thing. I brush Malcolm's teeth daily but as he's predisposed to dental problems he needs all the extra help I can give him. :)


Boronia, thanks for your link. Unfortunately I can't give chews like that to Malcolm as they make him very anxious. He gets himself all worked up, resource guards instead of eating, and looks utterly miserable. :(

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4 minutes ago, persephone said:

there are lots off yummy things for pups to chew :) 
Antlers, Hooves..and  soft/non splintering bones like  raw roo tails 

Yup. But Mal resource guards & stresses over them. Dear little anxious man. 


Not sure who would want to pinch a half chewed hoof, but Malkie doesn't want to find out! 

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Yep I'm with Perse - but the city slicker varieties - chicken frames, chicken necks, beef bones and turkey necks when I can get them.  Cheap, gives variety, no chemicals, I know exactly what my guys are eating and my guys love them.  I constantly get asked how my guys teeth are so good.  My almost sixteen year old westies teeth are incredible for her age.   Even the vet is impressed and she's never needed a teeth clean at the vet.  And Andy is heading the same way.

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On 3/10/2017 at 1:16 PM, Papillon Kisses said:

Thanks SM, that's correct. :( Maybe with time and treatment he'll be able to enjoy them instead of stressing.


Perhaps some ideas for Pandi-girl though. A toy breed pup may also be fine with chicken wings or even chicken necks if she chews them properly. :)

Do you think holding a lamb rib for her to chew , without letting her run off with it would be a good start.

I'm a bit worried about raw chicken &  bacteria 

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I tried one to see if my boy would actually chew on it. I bought him a bag of Greenies and he wasn't even interested in them. The Oravet gets very slimy and sticky and his poo was green the next day, but he seemed to enjoy chewing it at the time. At least he ate it compared to the Greenies. Not planning to rush out and buy a whole bunch of them though.

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I agree with westiemum. Chicken necks, wings and beef/lamb bones. All fresh, no chemicals and yep,  know what they are eating. As well as great for teeth bones keep them occupied for a while. My girls absolutely love nothing better than sitting in the sun chomping on a bone. My vet always comments on my girls teeth. Great for their age. Mini schnauzers are prone to having bad teeth apparently. I have never had to physically clean their teeth. 

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Thanks SeeEmArgh. :)

My boy LOVES his Greenies. They are his reward for teeth brushing, which I know sounds counter intuitive but he needs a big reward/incentive for his bravery.


On 18/03/2017 at 5:38 PM, PANDI-GIRL said:

Do you think holding a lamb rib for her to chew , without letting her run off with it would be a good start.

I'm a bit worried about raw chicken &  bacteria 

Sorry just saw this. I'm not sure. An individual rib would be quite small, which could be dangerous? Most vets if recommending bones (many don't, especially dental specialists) recommend that you get a meaty one that is at least the size of the dog's head and the aim is to have the dog tear the meat off it not actually eat the bone. Others recommend chicken wings for the smaller set.


Tooth brushing is the gold standard of dental care and doesn't carry the risk of obstructions or fractured teeth. :thumbsup:

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