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Best way to teach a straight walk backwards?


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I've been slack with training lately and somewhere along the line I must have reinforced Poppy at the wrong time when practicing walking backward.

In heel position, if I slowly walk backward she's gone from doing it fantastically to now putting one of her paws on my foot and her nose touching my foot while I do an awkward shuffle backward. Even if I line us up beside a wall she still manages to cling to my foot while I move. If I do quarter turns backwards she'll stay in heel (off my foot) its just when I try and walk straight backwards its gone weird.  I should say my training is self taught so I don't really have anyone to show or ask for help or to catch me when I'm doing things incorrectly!  Any suggestions appreciated.  :)

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I got a bunch of wooden planks and piled them up/lined them up for a very long and straight raised platform. (her butt likes to creep behind me and sometimes she swings around in front). Just high enough for her to remember "all 4 feet go on the platform" and wide enough to allow for movement and a natural stand.


Then I walk backwards/forwards/backwards/forwards as a "this is your position" refresher...

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