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Nexguard Or Bravecto?


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has anyone here had any problems with NexGuard or Bravecto

My Advantix is nearly out so I thought I'd try either of these though the Bravecto seems the better option as it cover for 12 weeks while the NexGuard is only for 30 days

any info would be appreciated

Edited by Boronia
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I still have a few months of Advantix left but am wondering myself! What made you go with Bravecto? When I looked at it a while ago I was leaning towards Nexguard on the most likely unscientific basis that if he had a reaction it would be out of his system sooner than Bravecto.

Yep, pretty much my reason for choosing Nexguard too. We've used it for 2 months now. Not long I know but no reactions so far.

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If you've been happy on Advantix, but sick of applying fortnightly, you would be wise to move to the longest lasting flea and tick product and safe.


8 months for,fleas and larvals and 4 months for paralysis ticks and nymph ticks brown and cattle,too.


If (unlikely) adverse event was to occurs, simply remove it. No risk of side effects with no retrieval options.

No smell, no mess, visual reminder that you pet is covered for the full,period at high efficacy.

Safety feature built in

. Wearable technology with max efficacy.

Great for show dogs and pet dogs.

Economically priced

Go to www.seresto.com.au

Proven success in other countries prior to release now in Australia.

Edited by nowstarin
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If you've been happy on Advantix, but sick of applying fortnightly, you would be wise to move to the longest lasting flea and tick product and safe.


8 months for,fleas and larvals and 4 months for paralysis ticks and nymph ticks brown and cattle,too.


If (unlikely) adverse event was to occurs, simply remove it. No risk of side effects with no retrieval options.

No smell, no mess, visual reminder that you pet is covered for the full,period at high efficacy.

Safety feature built in

. Wearable technology with max efficacy.

Great for show dogs and pet dogs.

Economically priced

Go to www.seresto.com.au

Proven success in other countries prior to release now in Australia.

I had a look at that Nowstarin but decided against it as Westies do have a problem with skin allergies so I try to avoid stuff that is in direct contact to their skin. Some of the reviews on this page are ok but some are horrific http://fixfleas.com/seresto-flea-collar-dogs/

It seems (from the reviews) that it works really well or the dog has a reaction to it

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If you've been happy on Advantix, but sick of applying fortnightly, you would be wise to move to the longest lasting flea and tick product and safe.


8 months for,fleas and larvals and 4 months for paralysis ticks and nymph ticks brown and cattle,too.


If (unlikely) adverse event was to occurs, simply remove it. No risk of side effects with no retrieval options.

No smell, no mess, visual reminder that you pet is covered for the full,period at high efficacy.

Safety feature built in

. Wearable technology with max efficacy.

Great for show dogs and pet dogs.

Economically priced

Go to www.seresto.com.au

Proven success in other countries prior to release now in Australia.

One of my three is seizure prone. She has done fine on Bravecto, and it works. The soresto collar caused compulsive licking . . . which the vet on the helpline said was probably a result of paresthesia (tingling sensation that manifests in dogs as compulsive licking). I haven't tried Nextguard . . . it's similar, chemically, to Bravecto.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have found Bravecto to be brilliant!

It can also be used with great success on demodex. Not licensed for demodex in Australia but studies have shown it to be superior to other treatments by far. I can personally recommend it for this purpose.

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