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How To Tell If Chicken Mince Is Off?


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Since my old petshop closed down i have been buying my chicken mince elswhere.

It comes in kg rolls fresh and i freeze it straight away, it gets delivered .

This week i ordered more and yesterday when i opened the roll it has a strong odour, its dark red, not the pale pink chicken mince normally is and its really sticky like glue.

I fed the dogs last night and they both had bad wind all night.

I rang the supplier and left a message but they are not open over the weekend, should i carry on feeding it or is it off? all the rolls are the same colour, not just this one.

i feed roo alternate nights , but its too rich for everyday, but i can feed it till i know this is ok.

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Um. I find human grade chick. mince tends to be white/very pale pink - then doggy chicken mince is a much darker red - as it has more "unappealing to humans" bits in it. Scottie loves this stuff we get here called "processed chicken" its sold in the supermarket meat fridge in the "human section" (not pet section) and its label says its 100% chicken. It's minced, but its the most vile colour and the consistancy of clag glue. :eek:

I assume you mean your pet shop was seven hills petfood? as I looked them up and their FB page has gone missing. If they're still there - try their chicken mince. Otherwise... I often used Aldi and the discount shelf at Woolies for chicken or turkey mince - but I only feed one foxie so I can / could afford that. The butcher at Northmead also minced chicken breast or thigh on demand for you. Obviously you pay the price per kilo for breast or thigh but it's freshly minced and you can be 100% sure what's in it!

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Yes i used 7 Hills for years for roo and chicken but since they closed i buy chicken mince form this wholesaler at Blacktown, their roo is too pricey though so i buy that at Castle Hill petshop.

Its always been pale pink with fatty bits etc in it previously, so thats why i was alarmed at this batch.

They both ate it ,just had bad wind!

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It does sound as though it had more offal included than you are used to. I would ask your supplier if they have changed their recipe and explain that your dogs don't do as well with the offal-rich mix.

You can get good quality pet chicken mince, but without very much offal, and a decent amount of minced bone, for very reasonable prices from Lenard's chicken stores, if you have one near you.

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Yes i used 7 Hills for years for roo and chicken but since they closed i buy chicken mince form this wholesaler at Blacktown, their roo is too pricey though so i buy that at Castle Hill petshop.Its always been pale pink with fatty bits etc in it previously, so thats why i was alarmed at this batch.They both ate it ,just had bad wind!

That's a shame - Scottie loved their mince. He loves this processed chicken stuff too :vomit:

Strangely enough, when he eats the pet brand chicken mince (which they say is also 100% chicken) he gets super nasty farts....

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Chicken mince for pets is probably going to be minced frames. Chicken offal is not really used because most of it is too small to add much bulk, compared to what it could be sold for, for human consumption. The mince colour/texture itself can vary by type of chicken used (meat chickens compared to ex layers) and I've found that layer chicken is usually lean and very sticky unless it's been minced/refrozen/reminced. The darker colour can also be from minced cartilage from the keel bone.

It's also possible that previously, it was just minced offcuts of chicken meat and it's now minced frame in full.

I'd probably keep feeding it unless it actually seemed to be causing stomach upsets.

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I must admit after the smelly farts all evening I expected to get up to poop' but didn't , and their poo is still solid so it must just be me ????

I just wanted comformation it wasn't off .

It can be hard to tell that from colour/smell/texture alone. Some pathogenic bacteria don't cause bad smells or significant changes in texture (and some bacteria that cause spoilage aren't necessarily harmful). The only one that is obvious in large enough numbers in E. coli. Once it gets going, it smells like.. well.. sh*t. A slightly musty version thereof. Sort of like.. if you put some poo in a dirty sock and left it under a bed for several weeks. It also has a butyrous texture, so it's easy enough to identify if it is growing in colonies large enough to see. Sort of looks like tiny bits of slightly melty butter. Butter that smells like poo. Ruined butter for me :(

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Bit of a hike from here.

I did find World 4 pets yesterday and their chicken mince is way cheaper than i have been paying for it at Blacktown and their roo is comparible to Castle Hill aswell.

I'm going to see what response i get monday from the wholesaler as to why its changed and decide wether to change.

Edited by juice
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I kind of envy a problem over chick mince quality. Frodo has always hated chicken in any way shape or form, even eggs. At 16 he still has the never have never will attitude. Rheneas loves it though and would live on it if he had his druthers.

But the bigger problem is being totally ethically opposed to the meat chicken industry. The cruelty of it is not in dispute, it is beyond disgusting. And if we won't support it by buying supermarket chicken as people-food, it's just as bad to support it by buying it for dogs. Sorry young Rheneas - life is full of ethical dilemmas sometimes broken for convenience: this one has a line in the sand.

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Bit of a hike from here.

I did find World 4 pets yesterday and their chicken mince is way cheaper than i have been paying for it at Blacktown and their roo is comparible to Castle Hill aswell.

I'm going to see what response i get monday from the wholesaler as to why its changed and decide wether to change.

Is Burns Petfood still running & do they do Chicken?

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