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Isn't Nature Wonderful


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I took the dogs for a walk up the park for the first time in ages. I'd forgotten it's duckling season. I'm strolling around the lake when a male wood duck rushes across the path closely followed by his mate who appeared to be injured. To my horror the boys Tag and Puck took off after them as they were so close to us. Father duck got into the lake safely and mother duck took off scuttling along the ground flapping her wings she had the whippets complete attention, she plays it close to the edge to keep their interest but keep out of reach as well, with a whippet that's no mean feat. As soon as she was out of range I hear peep! peep! peep!, and 3 little ducklings run across the path and into the lake. Meanwhile the boys and mumma duck are out of sight and I was thinking they'd got her. :( I'm calling and trying to get down the steep slope when the boys come back, thankfully without a dead duck. But this is what I was presented with. :laugh: 2 very wet dirty smelly muddy whippets, who've been outsmarted by a duck. No wonder my car is always dirty.

Can dogs look embarrassed? I think so.

29732213642_c39fe4230c_c.jpgOutsmarted by a duck! by kirislin, on Flickr

29762586201_405bc223ea_c.jpgIMG_3035dppt by kirislin, on Flickr

29732221982_9e4c36d6cf_c.jpgIMG_3034dppt by kirislin, on Flickr

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When I was a kid I was walking in our back paddock beside our creek I saw an 'injured' duck. It was flapping with what looked like a broken wing just enough to keep out of my reach. I kept following for probably two minutes trying to pick it up then suddenly it just flew away. I now know it was leading me away from ducklings or eggs and I fell for it just like I was meant to :laugh:

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When I was a kid I was walking in our back paddock beside our creek I saw an 'injured' duck. It was flapping with what looked like a broken wing just enough to keep out of my reach. I kept following for probably two minutes trying to pick it up then suddenly it just flew away. I now know it was leading me away from ducklings or eggs and I fell for it just like I was meant to :laugh:

yes they're amazing, and I was very relieved her ploy worked this time. I've been taking the dogs to that lake all their lives and it must amount to thousands of times now, and so far they've never caught any of the wildlife, but usually I'm on guard at this time of year. Today I slipped up, but thankfully nature took care of the little duck family anyway.

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