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World-First Veterinary Science App To Help Every Dog Have Its Day


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World-first veterinary science app to help every dog have its day

By Lauren Robinson, Catalyst Posted about 3 hours ago


Photo: Dogs are constantly communicating through signals, which an untrained eye may miss. (Supplied: Juliana Guinane) It is hoped a world-first app released by the University of Sydney will help dog owners to become more mindful of their pet's overall happiness and wellbeing.

The veterinary science team are giving smart phone users the opportunity to eliminate their pet's stress, and create a happier lifestyle, ensuring every dog does have its day.

Users of the new DogLogBook app can log and track their dog's activities, health-related issues or behaviours that may be problematic, such as barking at night or destroying the house while its owner is away.

It caters to dogs of all ages and there is even a specific tool to monitor dogs suffering from epilepsy.


Photo: The new app draws on the University of Sydney's new science of 'Dogmanship'. (Supplied)

"If, for example, an activity the dog has enjoyed previously ceases to be enjoyable, it may prompt a visit to the vet clinic for a check-up," DogLogBook production member Mia Cobb said.

"If an owner realises their dog only gets to do its favourite thing for 10 minutes a week, they might make some changes to enable more of that activity."

The application is also considered a valuable tool when it comes to making heart-breaking end-of-life decisions.

"I think sometimes people find it hard to recognise what is in the best interest of the animal," Mrs Cobb said.

"Saying goodbye and letting go is really difficult."

The scientists have dubbed the application as a dog's best friend — second to its owner of course.

Veterinarian and founder of the application Professor Paul McGreevy said many dog owners unintentionally make harmful mistakes, due to a limited understanding of their dog's communication signals.

Research has shown the number one cause of death for dogs under the age of three is euthanasia due to behaviour problems.

"I think there are a lot of people who undoubtedly love their dogs who are making some serious mistakes, and science is there to help all of us," Professor McGreevy said.


Photo: Claudia, 15, and her Spoodle Poppy surf at North Avalon Beach. (Supplied)

Dogs will finally be throwing the bone, with the application providing an interpretive tool to understand what is going on underneath all the fur.

"The Dogmanship team at the Faculty of Veterinary Science sees DogLogBook as gift to the world's dogs and their owners," Professor McGreevy said.

"We are confident that it presents a huge potential advance for the welfare of dogs."

The data from the app will also provide a pathway for the future of veterinary sciences.

"The data generated by users of DogLogBook will be available to researchers and also used to inform and educate the next generation of veterinarians," Professor McGreevy said.

Smart phone users can officially trade in puppy Snapchat filters and their Pokémon stops for an application that makes their dogs the true star of their phones.

Find out more about enhancing pet welfare and communication as Catalyst explores the science behind Making Dogs Happy at 8pm on ABC TV.

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