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Never Mind, Not Required Anymore


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I'm hoping someone can help with a foster mother. I know of a litter of puppies that were pulled out of the mother when the owners brought her in to be speyed. They were obviously full term because they've survived but the owners of the mother didn't want them so the vet nurses have been hand raising them. I haven't seen the puppies but I'm told they're underweight so I am wondering if anyone's got a bitch who would accept 5 puppies. They are a small breed (or mixed breed) possibly Chihuahua x and are about a week old now. SE suburbs of Melbourne. Please send me a PM if you can help.

Edited by Kirislin
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That is so dreadfully sad. I wonder if the customer fibbed about how far along the puppies were. I can't understand why the vet would allow the owner to take the bitch home without either putting all the puppies to sleep or making the litter stay with mum. Disasters all round.

One tiny good thing - hopefully no more puppies from that source. And I'd be hoping the vet would be doing an ultrasound on the next bitch that looks a bit fat/pregnant before agreeing to desex.

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