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Rescue Org In Brisbane

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A friend's son and girlfriend have decided that their second dog isn't fitting and have decided to rehome the dog. They haven't found a rescue org yet and are advertising on facebook but i'd really like to be able to give them some solid info of reliable good rescue orgs that they could surrender the dog so it can be responsibly rehomed. We have only recently moved back to Brisbane so aren't in the know regarding reliable and responsible rescue orgs.

Can anyone please give me any info they have on responsible Brisbane rescue orgs - i think my friend's son and his g'friend are on the southside if that makes a difference.

thanks in advance.

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If it is a purebred then might be best to try a breed rescue or if dog is from a registered breeder then they should contact them first.

Alternatively, have a look at Petrescue for QLD and see which rescue groups have similar dogs. Check their rehoming policies and make sure they are thorough, I know of some rescues in NSW that just give a dog to the first person that asks - what often happens then is that this is a mismatch.

Dogs should be thoroughly assessed and so should new homes and a very careful match made then.

Always pick a rescue that does home checks as a minimum.

Edited by Her Majesty Dogmad
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