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Canberra Woman Mauled While Walking Dogs

Tempus Fugit

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Banks might look suburban but it's right up against a big nature reserve. And what Canberrans would call "North Cooma", ie last suburb going south. And most Canberra suburbs have wide green belts that would link the nature reserve right into the centre of the houses.

We used to ride horses through some suburbs, one maccas would get horses and riders through the drive through - tho my horse would never agree to that.

And one in three car accidents in Canberra - involve a kangaroo.

So that there was a wombat there - doesn't suprise me much. It could just as easily have been a deer, or roo.

And we used to encounter wombats in the snow (Perisher) quite a bit. They usually warned you off if you tried to mess with them but some people always wanted to pat them or get photos with them. And that's when the people would get bitten or scratched.

I guess wombat attacks might be under reported - because - like being bitten by a very small dog - you don't want to admit you did something stupid to annoy it.

A wombat actually charging someone who gets too close - not heard of that much but one that lives in or near farmland might not be very dog friendly.

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