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Liver Issues, Now Nose Bleeds


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That was my diagnosis but didn't want to say!

The liver is amazing at repairing itself and the milk thistle is really good for helping.

Did your vet give you diet info?

metrogyl tastes blerk btw so you might have trouble getting her to eat that in food.

Hope she is feeling better soon and you too!

Yep, I suspected hepatitis too Jules. :D

We did discuss diet but the vet was happy for me to continue as normal for now and see what the blood test results are in 30 days. If they're still bad we will look at diet then. Mya is such a fussy eater and has lost a fair bit of weight so we really want to try and get that back on over the next few weeks.

I do think getting the Metrogyl down her is going to prove difficult over time. She soon gets wise to hiding the pills in various foods so I have to keep swapping and changing what I hide it in. AT least the steroid pills are nice and small

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It's good news you at least have a diagnosis!! :)

Here's to happy healing now .

Thanks Pers :D

I think I should have replied with multiquote instead of individual posts *DOH :dunce:

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Great news. So happy to hear she's doing better. I hope you managed to get some relaxing done - I saw a photo on facebook. Ah. Maze. Ing!
Thanks Scottsmum, I did have a wonderful week. Didn't manage to do as much walking as I would have liked, the weather was not particularly kind but we clocked up 2000km in the hire car and camper van so certainly got around and saw lots of spectacular places. So many photos to edit and share and I've only managed to get one up on fb at the moment. :laugh: I'm hoping to get another one up tonight. One of 'That tree' in Wanaka. If ever you've been to Queenstown area, you'll know the tree I mean.

Good to hear. Not well enough traveled to know "that tree" will have to wait to see the photo

I do think getting the Metrogyl down her is going to prove difficult over time. She soon gets wise to hiding the pills in various foods so I have to keep swapping and changing what I hide it in. AT least the steroid pills are nice and small

Can you have it all / some of it compounded. I swear - saved our lives when Guin went onto "medication for the rest of her life" - wouldnt have been without our compounded goop.

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