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Enzi- Growing Up Chimp


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Yes, I asked about the lump/warty thing. They're keeping a close eye on it and the vets are aware. I'm naturally a bit worried though.

I felt sure they would be, but it looks large and red. Hopefully, nothing to worry about in the long term. I imagine when he is old enough, they will do a biopsy.

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The logistics of vet checking a baby chimp are huge... they need to sedate the mother and the little one at the same time... and then there's Zuri who would get a bit upset at the other 2 being checked over, and may need to be sedated too... as she's still dependent on her mum also.

If it keeps growing, they will do something about it, but if it's not bothering him, the best move is to watch and wait...


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The logistics of vet checking a baby chimp are huge... they need to sedate the mother and the little one at the same time... and then there's Zuri who would get a bit upset at the other 2 being checked over, and may need to be sedated too... as she's still dependent on her mum also.

If it keeps growing, they will do something about it, but if it's not bothering him, the best move is to watch and wait...


That's very true. Sedation is always risky as well, and we've already tragically lost one chimpanzee under anaesthesia. :( Naturally, if deemed necessary that risk would be taken, but it's never something taken lightly. Thankfully, Enzi is very good at coming close to interact with the keepers, so they are able to look at him closely and monitor the situation. The present consensus seems to be that it's a large wart, but if it keeps growing that may change.

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The baby has now been found and returned to Symbio... still questioning people who had the baby as to the whereabouts of the other 2.

Fingers crossed bub will be OK now it's back with it's mother... but they really need Gomez (the father) back, as parenting is mostly done by the male partner, and poor Iti is stressing out...


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The baby has now been found and returned to Symbio... still questioning people who had the baby as to the whereabouts of the other 2.

Fingers crossed bub will be OK now it's back with it's mother... but they really need Gomez (the father) back, as parenting is mostly done by the male partner, and poor Iti is stressing out...


yes :( it is all very sad ...

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It still makes me feel sick. The keepers would feel about these animals the same as we feel about our dogs and cats.

As for your suggestion that the cops beat the whereabouts of the two adults out of the thieves: that’s what they deserve. They’ll probably get a slap over the wrists and go grinning about their business. I’d like to see them shut up in a very small space and denied proper food and water.

Sorry take your beautiful thread about Enzi off topic, Grizabella. :o :o

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It still makes me feel sick. The keepers would feel about these animals the same as we feel about our dogs and cats.

As for your suggestion that the cops beat the whereabouts of the two adults out of the thieves: that’s what they deserve. They’ll probably get a slap over the wrists and go grinning about their business. I’d like to see them shut up in a very small space and denied proper food and water.

Sorry take your beautiful thread about Enzi off topic, Grizabella. :o :o

I'd like to see the cops hand them over to Symbio keepers for 5 minutes... that should be plenty of time to get the info we need!

Sorry about the hijack too grizabella...


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The good news is that the 4 week old bub made it through the night... hoping it will continue getting stronger and will survive.

Gomez is a tough little fellow... much sturdier physically than the 2 little ones, so odds are good that he would have survived this far - as long as he didn't get hurt when they tore the bub from his back to give to the idiots caught with it... *sigh*


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