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Help Needed Starting Out With Tracking

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I am hoping to trail in tracking with Fritz my Bullarab this year.

We've been doing a fair bit of practice in the forest. I've been setting him tracks myself and also having my boyfriend go and get lost in the forest.

He seems to be doing really well at following the tracks and really enjoys himself.

I want to enter some trials, but I don't know how 'good' we have to be not to embarrass ourselves completely haha.

I can't make it to any of the tracking training days until at least May as they're held on weekday mornings?

Help, advice, anything pleease :)

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Honestly the conditions are far to dry and the risk of snakes far to great so very little tracking training is actually occurring in the state yet. At this stage trials will continue to be cancelled until we have had some decent rainfall so I wouldn't honestly be to concerned about waiting until May to see how he goes. There are a few Saturday training sessions. Maybe even see if you can catch up with a more experienced tracking person and have a practice and get them to advise you.

Edited by ness
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Thanks Ness, I'm tossing up whether to enter the trail on May 21st.

If trials are cancelled do you lose your money?

Unfortunately I don't know anyone else who tracks in SA to get advice from.

Are there any books, dvds or youtube channels that may be of help?

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Are you on facebook there is a tracking dog club of SA page?

I can tell you at this stage I am not even considering the May trial. Unless we get any substantial rain soon I suspect the May trial will be in doubt. I don't know what the decision is over money and refunds for cancelled trials. I suspect if they cancel them before putting any tracks out then they would have to refund but I would double check.

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