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Perses' Pups


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Dear Pudden , 
I was so pleased with you today .
You have not spent much time at all with strangers ..probably 8-10 encounters in all. 
I took a gamble today ;) 
Some visitors came -  one of who lost his old dog just before Christmas, and who is grieving badly. 
Puddy, you gave him TWO HOURS of pats & cuddles - not sure which one of you enjoyed it more  LOL. I know you enjoyed the chicken sandwich crusts, which you took very politely ...
"That'll Do, Pig/Pud"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Clive almost got into BIG trouble this morning ...thankfully the Boss wasn't close enough ;)
The Boss was calling one of his dogs ...she was wandering around having a social time .
Calling ...
"Oh", she thought .."Yes,I'll go now"..and off she headed, back to her Boss.
Clive sidled up, grabbed her collar and dragged her off to one side ...
I saw the 'thunderclouds'... and disappeared into the laundry :P 

Atta Boy, Clive. !



Butter wouldn't melt .

Image may contain: dog, outdoor, nature and water

Edited by persephone
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Just to let fans of Dags know ..he is working after a fashion, and The Boss is pleased! 3rd consecutive day today ...
Dags is a 'header'..ie: he will race around a mob of wild goats & do his darndest to keep them from moving away. 
The Boss is delighted with this, as Dags is quite forceful, without barking or biting, and with currently being at the stage of having the physique of a towel-rail ;) 
there is a lot to learn tho .. one important thing being that when said goats are being herded toward/thru a gateway, being a gate is not really a good plan . (apparently he's a ROOLY GOOD gate ! ;) )

Here's hoping things will only improve! Long way to go yet- but..... :crossfingers:

Seems his first puppy experience did bode well :) That was a LOT of stroppy billy he was fearlessly facing ......Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature

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Go Dags!!! Good boy!


I love how only 1 goat is actually looking at Dags... the others seem to be much more interested in the person taking the photo... lol!


I so wish you were so much closer to Sydney... my work would love to buy the baby feral goats in those colour patterns... *sigh*



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Dags continues to do well - not brilliant, but well. 
I'd kinda like the goat kids to go elsewhere , too - but, as it is, they go somewhere & get fattened up for a while before meeting their final day....I honestly wouldn't know what babies are there- I only look when absolutely necessary ...too sad otherwise :( I am no farmer/seller of stock once I've looked them in the eye. With our own sheep  I don't even look too closely, as I know some will end up on my plate , and I prefer to not 'know' them! Silly, isn't it ? :( 

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