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Bird And Child Portraits, Something Special


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There was a promo for a new small book about Penguin a rescued magpie on ABC this week. Some stunning photos of the magpie and of the children intereacting with it.

Worth a look at the vid link, picks up some of the animal/human emotion connection we all like to have in our shots, seldom achieved.

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Wow that looks amazing! I was with my dad and his sister and one of his brothers the other day and they were reminiscing about all the dogs, horses, birds and other random pets they'd had as kids. Their magpie was voted the best pet - even though he couldn't catch a cricket ball - he was the most intelligent with incredible character and mimicry skills. He could call out each kid's name with 'get home NOW' exactly like my nan's voice and they had to sprint home from wherever they were being a bit feral just in case it was her!

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