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A Duh / Light Blub Moment This Morning.


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It's been 10 degrees, windy and raining - side sideways rain - for the last 2 days straight - which has meant lots of inside time and very short walks - if at all. I tried some conditioning games - but apparently he doesnt like the treats I bought most recently.

Today we managed to go for a 'normal' walk and even had some sneaky off leash - we're not supposed to be off anywhere in our housing estate - but we have about 2 streets worth of empty land where they removed some homes a few years ago. It's fenced and out of the way.

Anyhow - Scotties off leash behaviour can be sketchy - the less he gets the worse behaved he is. :grimace:

Usually - if we're not / can't play fetch we play a game where I get him to come then I send him away with a "go" and recall him again - he gets really fired up and his "return to heel" becomes more of a full body sideways slam into my shins. I'm always greatful he's a foxie when he does this - nothing bigger :)

Anyhow... within 5 or 6 "go's" he gets over excited and buggers off. :bolt: (only started doing it since we've lived here and we can't get him off lead every day :( ) I usually manage it by reading him or taking hubby with me so there's two of us - which helps.

So today I had a lightbulb moment. :happydance: Instead of sending him out I can back away and recall or make him stay while I run away from him.

I have one very happy, sleepy puppy now... Can't believe it's taken close to 4 months to figure this out.

Edited by Scottsmum
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He'd probably like "the hat game"

I park my dog in a stay and I start sneaking off and trying to fake her out of the stay...

if she breaks her stay (moves a paw or more) - I put her back where she started, with a collar grab or asking for some fancy heel work (pats but no treats)...

If she stays - I tell her "go" the release word and run away from her and as she gets close I put my hat out on the side I want her to arrive, so she can grab the hat and run with it...

When we're at the beach - I usually use a toy or a ball and throw that ahead of me for her to grab - cos she will take my hat and dunk it in the water if I use that at the beach.

Now to get a rocket recall all I have to do is take my hat off...

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oh. That sounds a bit advanced for us - but I hadn't really thought of building on the game. I mean it took me 4 months to get this far :rofl:

but that's a good idea - maybe I could use the hat to try and get him to come to either side bit nicer - back to what our 'almost' return to heel used to look like before it became a contact sport. I don't think full body slams into my shins are all that good for him.

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I tried this game with Quinn when I got home this afternoon, I think it's a great idea for a combo of brain tiring focus and physical exercise :thumbsup:

Only problem was she got so excited she ran at me, jumped and nose butted me RIGHT in the eye socket. Now I have a sore eye and will probably have a bruise in the morning :laugh:

Next time I will wait until she has gotten over the excitement of me getting home before I introduce a fun new game...

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I tried this game with Quinn when I got home this afternoon, I think it's a great idea for a combo of brain tiring focus and physical exercise :thumbsup:

Only problem was she got so excited she ran at me, jumped and nose butted me RIGHT in the eye socket. Now I have a sore eye and will probably have a bruise in the morning :laugh:

Next time I will wait until she has gotten over the excitement of me getting home before I introduce a fun new game...

Oh. Sorry but that made me laugh. I can see a mass reporting of dog sports related injuries - the headlines read "Pets across Australia injure owners in over enthusiastic games of 'Oi come here'"

Hope you're not too battered. Again - thankful that my shin height foxie is only just over 10kgs - not more hefty. He plays with great gusto.

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Not to worry, I'm well used to being covered in bruises from Quinn! She's a total ruffian, and being able to jump from the ground to at least 5'9" face height with minimal effort makes her a danger to all face bones, sigh.

Thank goodness my other two are little and painless.

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