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Renbury Pound: A Negative Opinion?

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I just get annoyed when people rave about what the pounds should be doing but just keep posting again and again that they aren't doing anything, why don't they get off their bums and ring these places and ask if they can help....never happens.

Pounds can only do what they have the funds and staff to do.

Heaps of people help, all the time. I run an animal welfare charity keeping pets out of the pound (often paying pound fees where pounds won't reduce) while also working full time, so I think I'm doing my bit.

I am aware that there are heaps of people who do help I am talking about the people who don't help but whinge all the time.

I was doing a bit of a clean out of papers the other day and came across some “letters to the editor” I’d had published. One was responding to a woman bleating along the lines of: ain’t it awful! Someone should do something. I wrote a somewhat blistering attack on her “someone should do something” suggesting she be that someone. I often wonder whether she read it and got off her butt.

I may be wrong, but I think Renbury was one of the first pounds with a website featuring the animals and giving advice on a multitude of things including what to do if a pet was lost/found/etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sad about this news (just saw it on FB). Was it all so bad that it couldn't be turned around or was everyone there just too exhausted from trying and still getting beaten about the head? What are the options for that area now? Will they put it out for tender?

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Nothing to do with the petition although some would like to credit it.

I'm no expert but AFAIK Liverpool Council has re-zoning happening which has been in the planning process for years. Part of the Sydney urban expansion. Guess they finally got their plans finalised and through the state legislation. It's all on the net if you know what to look for and can follow the numerous changes, environmental clauses, amendments and extra proposals (which I find very difficult)

For example in a re-zone; an area of min 40 hectares now has a min of 10 with changes to what the block of land can be used for.

So the property like the one RF is sitting on can be subdivided and sold in smaller blocks. I haven't looked up exactly what zone the property will become but as far as I know the rd is earmarked for expansion as well.

No idea where they will relocate their own Liverpool dogs to but Renbury Services 3 other councils who would have been watching as plans were being worked out. I'm sure moves will be announced at some point. :shrug:

edited because of a brain fart

Edited by Powerlegs
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As Powerlegs has posted Renbury closing has 'Nothing to do with the petition, although some would like to credit it."

Actually the writing has apparently been on the wall for quite a while and it has to do with land acquistion and redevelopment of the urban sprawl. I'm also certain that when the property was originally purchased that this was known that it would inevitably eventuate, so the decision to close was probably made a very long time ago and cemented when the property was sold and transfers finalised late last year.

It is my hope that the councils involved will unite and continue to use (rent) the facilities that will remain on the property as they are not directly affected, at least not in the immediate future.

Thank you to all staff at Renbury for caring and taking the time to make a difference for the many animals that you have helped over the years.

Nothing to do with the petition although some would like to credit it.

I'm no expert but AFAIK Liverpool Council has re-zoning happening which has been in the planning process for years. Part of the Sydney urban expansion. Guess they finally got their plans finalised and through the state legislation. It's all on the net if you know what to look for and can follow the numerous changes, environmental clauses, amendments and extra proposals (which I find very difficult)

For example in a re-zone; an area of min 40 hectares now has a min of 10 with changes to what the block of land can be used for.

So the property like the one RF is sitting on can be subdivided and sold in smaller blocks. I haven't looked up exactly what zone the property will become but as far as I know the rd is earmarked for expansion as well.

No idea where they will relocate their own Liverpool dogs to but Renbury Services 3 other councils who would have been watching as plans were being worked out. I'm sure moves will be announced at some point. :shrug:

edited because of a brain fart

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Well that is much better news and thanks from me to Renbury staff for all their efforts over the years.

I must admit I never understand the whys behind purpose built facilities closing under one group and then someone else coming in and re-opening to do the same or a similar thing. It all seems silly and wasteful and I've seen it a few times in my years with the state government (closing group homes for young people and people with intellectual disabilities). It all seems silly.

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