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Jonah And Jesse Do Perth


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Snook he still goes Cujo if they run right up to him and growls and gets twitchy if they start jumping around and moving quickly but I am pretty happy so far though.

Cazablanca it is pretty dog friendly with quite a few restaurants and pubs allowing dogs and loads of parks and beaches

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  On 29/02/2016 at 6:56 AM, persephone said:
fantastic. :D

and how are YOU doing????

Thanks for asking persephone, apart from the news getting grimmer it's going ok. Managed to find a house so we were only in the tent for a week, and busy finding new places to take the dogs all the time.

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Thanks, im trying to stop them from getting too bored, I am not in the frame of mind for training and tricks. Tent was lousy and stressful with the way the wind blows here and the constant worry about the dogs waiting with the ute and possibilities of theft from tent.

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We went too Bells Rapids on Easter Monday, would be interesting in winter with lots more water




Jonah trying to figure out what this is one morning


Jesse chasing a ball at the dog park


Jonah encountered a IG puppy, that photo would have been impossible for the 1st year I had him.


Edited by Canetoad
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