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Wanting To Clean After My Dog As A Good Citizen But...


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I have 13.5 y.o german shepherd who sometimes suffers from diarrhea.

(He saw his vet but it still happens).

Anyway, this morning I went for a romantic walk with a male suitor and my oldie and it happened.

The diarrhea was very liquidy and ended up on a concrete ground. I did what I could to clean it (plastic bags)

and put some earth on top of. I came later with some equipment and sand to properly clean it; Of course I was not able to remove everything so put some sand on top of it.

I decided to never walk on a concrete ground again as it easier to clean any mess on a grassy ground.

I would appreciate it if you lovely people could give me some advice how to deal with such unexpected accidents.

Embarassed dog owner

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Firstly! hahahahahahahahahahaha! Dogs always know when to turn it on! lol

Secondly, you went above and beyond what most people would bother to do, so good on you! Don't stress about it all too much, these things happen from time to time, it should wash away when the next good rain comes.

I would stick mostly to grass areas, nature strips, parks, even gravel pathways would be better. Sadly, life just can't accommodate your every single weird poop issue, so do your best. Glad to hear your oldie is still going well, that is the most important thing of all.


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Thank you Ray. That helped a lot.

The day is Valentine day :eek: and on top of it the dog owners nearby grabbed their

charges and ran away. Needless to say the said suitor looked lost and finally decided

to join me in the cleaning operation.

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Thank you Ray. That helped a lot.

The day is Valentine day :eek: and on top of it the dog owners nearby grabbed their

charges and ran away. Needless to say the said suitor looked lost and finally decided

to join me in the cleaning operation.

Oh dear but good on you for making such an effort!

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definitely finishing with sand is good.

Never finish or top it off with lawn clippings or leaves like some people at my local hockey field do... It keeps the poop wet sloppy and *HIDDEN*. Do not want to do that.

Sand or dirt at least dries it out some.

We got embarrassed at the beach yesterday. Got distracted. That's when dog decided to poop, when we weren't looking. Turned around to check and saw a good Samaritan cleaning up for us. Was that our dog - yes... How Embarrassment (we're usually the ones making sure everyone else picks up - would you like a bag for that?)

Mr Good Samaritan had two big dogs and a full sized kitchen tidy bin bag for pooping up. OMG.

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In a weird way that probably only dog people would understand, that is such a cute story!! :D

I agree you went above and beyond and certainly wouldn't expect anything more, but you could carry a bottle of water with one of those sports pop tops on it, you can get a bit of pressure if you squeeze them to wash away what you can from concrete.

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Your male suitor might be a keeper!

First date (kinda) I walked with mine to the station and somebody was at the bottom of the escalators with a bit of blood and my bloke went forward to help, faster than me. It's been 17 years now and I totally trust he will care - humans, dogs, cats, critters.

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