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Has Anyone Used Peptopsyl


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Peptosyl, order online from most suppliers. Looks like calamine, tastes like crap. LOL

I've asked my chemist before and although he did a database search for the main ingredient and nothing showed up, you can't find emergency substitute of human version. And so many things have artificial sweetener now too :(

Salicylate; hopefully a vet can pop in to explain but AFAIK asprin is one of many and it depends on how it breaks down in the body. When I was young (a looong time ago!), low dose asprin was used in dogs for things like arthritis before the non steroidal anti inflammatories came along. <--- disclaimer if post is found on google; don't ever do this without a vet!

I can only guess that is one of the reasons why peptosyl soothes the stomach. Coats things and eases the pain?

Scourban has a sulpha ingredient I think? I used to love it but had to go to metrogyl when you couldn't get it any more. Works fine.

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A previous boy was prescribed Peptosyl by a vet in Canberra when he picked up a gastro .. probably coronavirus - while we were travelling. As Powerlegs says, as I understood it, its main purpose was to coat the gut lining, and settle the pain a bit. My vet here suggested it was a reasonable thing to have in a travelling first aid kit.

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