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Adding Fruit & Veg To Raw Feeding


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We have been feeding raw meat (beef and chicken on alternate days along with wings most days) diet for our 2 year old golden but he has started having problems with his anal sacs recently (they are located deep inside). We want to bulk up his meal to help the poor boy.

Can anyone recommend how and what to add? Should it be shredded? I am thinking apple and carrot. If this is okay can it be stored for a few days in the fridge or should it be shredded daily.


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This is just my opinion ..

To properly feed a 'prey' model meat diet ..he needs stuff like bone / kidneys/liver/tripe/brains /fish... a good mixture. What he is getting now .. I presume is just meat?

Just meat /muscle meat , is not a complete diet .

yes, you can add veges ..but only a small amount .. ..and give him cold whole raw carrots & apples to chew :)

Try him with veges made into a pulp .. beans/carrot/pumpkin... a couple tablespoons/teaspoons, depending on size of dog on some meat /mixed with a bit of minced heart or sardines in oil :)

To read a LOT more on how to successfully feed a balanced raw/natural diet ... look at the following. CLICK HERE

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I have fed raw for many years, which includes veggies ground through a processor. I usually give spinach, pumpkin, carrot, celery and broccoli. I also feed raw egg, sardines, minced beef and chicken, chicken necks and wings. Wheat germ, Brewers yeast, flaxseed oil and coconut oil are also given......not every meal. There is a book by dr Ian billinghurst that outlines the thinking behind the feeding plan.

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what you are feeding now is not the right balance, as others have said. If you don't want the hassle of making up veggies, try Vets All Natural to mix with the meat.( i also add liver, eggs, sardines, randomly), and feed necks or feet for brekky for bone.

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