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Palate Surgery + Biopsies


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Today our little Chi Claudia is going in to have her elongated palate corrected but at the same time the vet is doing a scope and biopsies.

It all started with the typical reverse sneezing not surprising on an apple head chihuahua, but in the last two months her condition has changed to at first something the vets thought was just allergies, now there is suspicion of a nasal tumour.

At this stage the only other possibilities are maybe a foreign body (although the vets didn't think so) or a tooth root abscess ( less likely since she had a dental part way through the year).

I'm almost 36 weeks pregnant so wasn't able to do the drive this morning to drop her off, my husband has taken her to work with him and is taking her in as soon as they are open.

I am stressed out both because I'm usually the one to do everything for the dogs and seriously worried about the outcome since nasal tumours have no cure and are highly aggressive, even if we could afford chemo it would only buy us months.

Today is going to be very long but hopefully we have a fixable problem with a good outcome and tonight get to pick up our girl happy and healthy.

Edited by Rascalmyshadow
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So after a long stressful day our girl was unable to have palate surgery due to the risk of complications from the biopsies, definate results will come in next week but it's looking like she has 'Aspergillosis' and possibly nasal cancer.

If its aspergillosis and no cancer at least it's treatable, although extreemly expensive and difficult and will require multiple anaesthetics and vet visits. If its cancer our time with her is limited.

I can't believe this is happening especially right on Xmas and just before our bub is due.

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Thanks for the good wishes, although aspergillosis is treatable the expense is huge first visit was over $1000 next will be approx the same when they insert her nasal tubes, then we have to take her back to the vet daily for 10 days (not easy when I could go into labor at any time) for treatment, it's then a third anaesthetic to check if it worked, if it did then they will do the palate surgery, another approximate $1000.

Everything is being made harder also because I cant drive far being so pregnant and the vet that's managing her is about 30-40mins away.

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