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Brave Little Girl Thalia Standley Tells How Dog Ate Her Arm


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Agreed. It is very disturbing that the dog is still alive. The owners must have seen evidence of the attack on the dog that did the deed. To let it live is reprehensible. If is a continuing danger. And before I get howled down (pardon the pun) it is a DOG that has no sense of its own mortality. It must be humanly put down. How the owners of that dog could let it live is beyond belief.

At least the owners of an Amstaff have euthanatised their dog after it mauled a neighbours child in Ferntree Gully on the weekend.

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How on earth is that dog still alive? If by the childrens story, she was sitting there on a retaining wall waiting for her friends and the dog put it's head through the gap and grabbed her finger, then pulled her arm in and chewed it off.

I'm truly gobsmacked that the council didn't issue a destruction order, and even then, if one of mine did that, they'd be down the vets straight away and PTS.

I don't understand the logic. I don't care if the kid put her hand in to pat the dog, he ripped her arm off and any dog that does something like that should not still be breathing.

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That is the most horrific thing I've ever read. Jesus.

And I'm sorry. I don't buy the people saying you wouldn't know which dog was guilty. That's BS. There would be blood all over the dog.

Edited by Steph M
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The story is not making sense compared to the original story and pics.

I'm guessing the dog is still alive because the media is not giving is all the true facts.

I agree, something is really off here compared to the original.

Poor kid

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I'm not saying anything about this situation is OK, I'm stating that the articles are vastly different from one another and that it is strange.

FFS....there is clearly something not being said by the media here otherwise the dog would be PTS straight away.

And if they don't know which dog did it, bow are they going to put down the right animal?

Edited by Bjelkier
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Well that's you. I sure as hell wouldn't.

There would have to be a way to find out at the time, like a DNA swab maybe, surely the police were involved in this case? I don't know. Maybe I'm way off here....

But there is no way I'd take the life of two innocent dogs on a maybe.

Something is clearly being omitted here or the council would be all over this, and rightly so.

I'm just saying it would be intelligent to stay impartial because we all know how the media love to twist the truth.

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Bloody awful situation, that poor girl and poor family. I can't even imagine how they're coping with all this. Very brave.

If the dog/s have not previously been declared menacing or dangerous the council can't euthanise the dogs without prosecuting the owners and requesting it from a Magistrate - the magistrate has discretion as to whether to do so.

If there were three dogs of the same breed in the yard it's very likely that the council were not able to discern which dog attacked and therefore prosecute. Even if they weren't the same breed it'd be hard given they were behind a colourbond fence. As far as examining the dog's stomach contents, I don't really know how they could force that if the owner didn't consent as there's no provisions in the Act to do that. Maybe the police would have the power but I'm not sure on that. My experience is that police don't really want much to do with dog attacks.

Given the dogs were contained in their own yard at the time of the incident too, it may have been a shaky case (although if you knew which dog you could certainly make a declaration based on 'unreasonable aggression', considering what the girl is describing here is pretty bloody unreasonable).

I think the key is likely not having definitive evidence as to which dog to take action against.

Edited by melzawelza
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As horrific as it all is I'm finding it hard to believe the dog was eating her arm, I imagine if that was the truth the kid would have passed out. More likely nerves and tendons were damaged and the arm had to to be amputated.

Don't trust the media is reporting the truth they will do anything to sell a story.

There's no way I would PTS multiple dogs in the given situation.

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