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Puppy School – Northside Brisbane


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Hi All!

Sorry about the boring topic. I had a quick search and could only find quite old results.

Anyway! I’ve just added a beautiful little red cattle dog to my family. And I’m wanting to start socialising/training him straight away. However my local obedience club won’t take him on until he is 4 months. So puppy school it is for us.

I’m in Redcliffe Brisbane, so outer/Northside of Brisbane. Can anyone recommended a good school to go through on the Northside? There appears to be quite a few on google. However I’m not too keen on just picking a school without any feedback from students/ex-students.

Looking forward to your replies.


P.s Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. Wasn’t sure whether it would go in here or puppy problems.

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I dont know any on the Northside, maybe try calling some vets and ask who they recommend?

Some do it in their clinics, while some will have an external school come in.

And i am sure others will pop in with recommendations too :)

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Frenchs Forest Vet Surgery had/has a VERY good puppy preschool.

I took two of mine there about 12months ago when they were about 4-5mths old....many puppy preschool places won't take them at that age.

I was very selective as I didn't want a puppy preschool that thought it was OK to mix large puppies with smaller puppies.

Some smaller pups can be easily overwhelmed if they get monstered by another bigger or more aggressive pup and it can affect their development.

The class was very well supervised and their methods were pleasant, sensible and practical plus the pups had a great time.

They are located in a strip shop at Petrie....not that far away from Redcliffe really.

Other than that you could try Pine Rivers Dog Training Club but not sure if they still have their puppy preschool.

If not you could always attend their Beginners Class.

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