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Re-Freezing Meat For Dogs

flame ryder

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Yeah so both our freezers stopped working, due to the plug mysteriously being un-plugged. So we have 20 kilos of pet mince, and about the same of lamb, roasts, chops ect which would have fed us for a month or so :cry: I know we aren't supposed to re-freeze for humans but can we for dogs? :crossfingers: If so least I know it wont go to waste...otherwise I'll have to bin most of it :grimace:

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I refreeze for the dogs, and on occasion I have been known to refreeze for the people too, especially if it's not fully defrosted :o

I've never had an issue with it at all, but then I have iron guts anyway, and my dogs eat all sorts of nonsense with no problems. They've eaten dead eggs from the incubator (that have been sitting at 30-odd degrees for 2 weeks or longer :vomit:) with no worse effects than a few stinky farts. They once raided the bin and ate cake that had been in there so long that it had become nothing but a cake-shaped chunk of mould. The worst effect from that was their poop had bling from the bits of alfoil they'd eaten in the process. Also, that confirmed for me that we should move the bin.

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I've heard that re-freezing makes meat rubbery. My dogs love rubbery toys :D . Rubbery meat? Glorious. :thumbsup: No, I wouldn't worry about it unless your dogs are in marginal health. A dog with a healthy immune system can handle stuff that would make most of us delicate humans sick.

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If a meat was defrosted in the fridge it's generally fine, in this sense it's more of a quality issue as you loose moisture through the de-frosting process.

If the meat was de-frosted via room temperature that's where your safety issues come in due to bacteria.

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