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Vehicle Conversion - 4-5 Medium Dogs


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I'm looking for a reputable vehicle conversion service for a brand new Toyota Prado (large SUV) that I am purchasing to transport my dogs to and from shows and sporting events.

Ideally, they would be able to install safe cages in the back area by removing the second and third row of seats. I'd also love a false floor for storage of crates and equipment.

It would be great if they could convert the vehicle so that it didn't interfere with the curtain air bags etc.

Any suggestions?

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Hello DKD Steph, The Spotted Devil, Lablover and others,

Thank you so much for your suggestions.

I can live without the drawers etc. My main concern is for the dogs' safety and comfort. I don't want to use a trailer because I know someone with a horror story when another car clipped their trailer on the motorway and most of the dogs died. The only reason we bought a Prado was because of its safety rating for the passengers (dogs).

I have checked out Puppy Bars and Surefind Keenels in Victoria and others, but need something within driving range of Sydney (happy to travel up to 2 hours).

Any suggestions?

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I think you'll fit at least 4 custom made crate into your prado along with the drawers.

If you sketch something up, I can see a divider behind the front seats and another where you would normally have your cargo barrier. Split that on two, with your access via the rear doors. Then have another two facing the rear.

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